Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Awarness and Attitude of Primary Teachers Essay

Child Rights: A Gist The Convention on the Rights of the Child defines basic rights of children covering multiple needs and issues. India endorsed it on December 11, 1992. Following are a few rights in the immediate purview of Smile Foundation as well as India. The right to Education: 50% of Indian children aged 6-18 do not go to school Dropout rates increase alarmingly in class III to V, its 50% for boys, 58% for girls. The right to Expression: Every child has a right to express himself freely in which ever way he likes. Majority of children however are exploited by their elders and not allowed to express. The right to Information: Every child has a right to know his basic rights and his position in the society. High incidence of illiteracy and ignorance among the deprived and underprivileged children prevents them from having access to information about them and their society. The right to Nutrition: More than 50% of India’s children are malnourished. While one in every five adolescent boys is m alnourished, one in every two girls in India is undernourished. The right to Health & Care: 58% of India’s children below the age of 2 years are not fully vaccinated. And 24% of these children do not receive any form of vaccination. Over 60% of children in India are anemic. 95 in every 1000 children born in India, do not see their fifth birthday. 70 in every 1000 children born in India, do not see their first birthday. The right to protection from Abuse: There are approximately 2 million child commercial sex workers between the age of 5 and 15 years and about 3.3 million between 15 and 18 years. They form 40% of the total population of commercial sex workers in India. 500,000 children are forced into this trade every year. The right to protection from Exploitation: 17 million children in India work as per official estimates. A study found that children were sent to work by compulsion and not by choice, mostly by parents, but with recruiter playing a crucial role in influencing decision. When working outside the family, children put in an average of 21 hours of labour per week. Poor and bonded families often â€Å"sell† their children to contractors who promise lucrative jobs in the cities and the children end up being employed in brothels, hotels and domestic work. Many run away and find a life on the streets. The right to protection from Neglect: Every child has a right to lead a well protected and secure life away from neglect. However, children working under exploitative and inhuman conditions get neglected  badly. The right to Development: Every child has the right to development that lets the child explore her/his full potential. Unfavourable living conditions of underprivileged children prevents them from growing in a free and uninhibited way. The right to Recreation: Every child has a right to spend some time on recreational pursuits like sports, entertainment and hobbies to explore and develop. Majority of poor children in India do not get time to spend on recreational activities. The right to Name & Nationality: Every child has a right to identify himself with a nation. A vast majority of underprivileged children in India are treated like commodities and exported to other countries as labour or prostitutes. The right to Survival: Of the 12 million girls born in India, 3 million do not see their fifteenth birthday, and a million of them are unable to survive even their first birthday. Every sixth girl child’s death is due to gender discrimination. Child Rights in India: An Introduction India is a party to the UN declaration on the Rights of the Child 1959. Accordingly, it adopted a National Policy on Children in 1974. The policy reaffirmed the constitutional provisions for adequate services to children, both before and after birth and through the period of growth to ensure their full physical, mental and social development. Accordingly, the government is taking action to review the national and state legislation and bring it in line with the provisions of the Convention. It has also developed appropriate monitoring procedures to assess progress in implementing the Convention-involving various stake holders in the society. India is also a signatory to the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children. In pursuance of the commitment made at the World Summit, the Department of Women and Child Development under the Ministry of Human Resource Development has formulated a National Plan of Action for Children. Most of the recommendations of the World Summit Action Plan are reflected in India’s National Plan of Action- keeping in mind the needs, rights and aspirations of 300 million children in the country. The priority areas in the Plan are health, nutrition, education, water, sanitation and environment. The Plan gives special consideration to children in difficult circumstances and aims at providing a framework, for actualization of the objectives of the Convention in the Indian context. Status of Children in  India Recent UNICEF (2005) report on the state of the world’s children under the title â€Å"Childhood Under Threat† , speaking about India, states that millions of Indian children are equally deprived of their rights to survival, health, nutrition, education and safe drinking water. It is reported that 63 per cent of them go to bed hungry and 53 per cent suffer from chronic malnutrition. The report says that 147 million children live in kuchcha houses, 77 million do not use drinking water from a tap, 85 million are not being immunized, 27 million are severely underweight and 33 million have never been to school. It estimates that 72 million children in India between five and 14 years do not have access to basic education. A girl child is the worst victim as she is often neglected and is discriminated against because of the preference for a boy child. National Commission for Protection of Child Rights In order to ensure child rights practices and in response to India’s commitment to UN declaration to this effect, the government of India set up a National Commission for Protection of Child Rights. The Commission is a statutory body notified under an Act of the Parliament on December 29, 2006. Besides the chairperson, it will have six members from the fields of child health, education, childcare and development, juvenile justice, children with disabilities, elimination of child labour, child psychology or sociology and laws relating to children. The Commission has the power to inquire into complaints and take suo motu notice of matters relating to deprivation of child’s rights and non-implementation of laws providing for protection and development of children among other things. Aimed at examining and reviewing the safeguards provided by the law to protect child rights, the Commission will recommend measures for their effective implementation. It will suggest amendments, if needed, and look into complaints or take suo motu notice of cases of violation of the constitutional and legal rights of children. The Commission is to ensure proper enforcement of child rights and effective implementation of laws and programmes relating to children- enquiring into complaints and take suo motu  cognizance of matters relating to deprivation of child rights; non-implementation of laws providing for protection and development of children and non-compliance of policy decisions, guidelines or instructions aimed at their welfare and announcing relief for children and issuing remedial measures to the state governments. Convention on the Rights of the Child Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989 Right to education From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search The right to education is a universal entitlement to education, a right that is recognized as a human right. According to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights the right to education includes the right to free, compulsory primary education for all[1], an obligation to develop secondary education accessible to all, in particular by the progressive introduction of free secondary education[2], as well as an obligation to develop equitable access to higher education, ideally by the progressive introduction of free higher education.[3] The right to education also includes a responsibility to provide basic education for individuals who have not completed primary education. In addition to these access to education provisions, the right to education encompasses the obligation to rule out discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set minimum standards and to improve quality of education. [4] International legal basis The right to education is law in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Articles 200 and 14 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.[5][6][7] The right to education has been reaffirmed in the 1960 UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education and the 1981 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.[8] In Europe, Article 2 of the first Protocol of 20 March 1952 to the European Convention on Human Rights states that the right to education is recognized as a human right and is understood to establish an entitlement to education. According to the International  Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the right to education includes the right to free, compulsory primary education for all, an obligation to develop secondary education accessible to all in particular by the progressive introduction of free secondary education, as well as an obligation to develop equitable access to higher education in particular by the progressive introduction of free higher education. The right to education also includes a responsibility to provide basic education for individuals who have not completed primary education. In addition to these access to education provisions, the right to education encompasses also the obligation to eliminate discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set minimum standards and to improve quality. The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has applied this norm for example in the Belgian linguistic case.[9] Article 10 of the European Social Charter guarantees the ri ght to vocational education. [10] Definition Education narrowly refers to formal institutional instructions. Generally, international instruments use the term in this sense and the right to education, as protected by international human rights instruments, refers primarily to education in a narrow sense. The 1960 UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education defines education in Article 1(2) as: â€Å"all types and levels of education, (including) access to education, the standard and quality of education, and the conditions under which it is given.†[11] In a wider sense education may describe â€Å"all activities by which a human group transmits to its descendants a body of knowledge and skills and a moral code which enable the group to subsist†.[11] In this sense education refers to the transmission to a subsequent generation of those skills needed to perform tasks of daily living, and further passing on the social, cultural, spiritual and philosophical values of the particular community. The wider meaning of education has been recognised in Article 1(a) of UNESCO’s 1974 Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.[12] The article states that education implies: â€Å"the entire process of social life by means of which individuals and social groups learn to develop consciously within, and for the benefit of, the national and international communities, the whole of their personal  capabilities, attitudes, aptitudes and knowledge.†[11] The European Court of Human Rights has defined education in a narrow sense as â€Å"teaching or instructions†¦ in particular to the transmission of knowledge and to intellectual development† and in a wider sense as â€Å"the whole process whereby, in any society, adults endeavour to transmit their beliefs, culture and other values to the young.† [11] Assessment of fulfilment The fulfilment of the right to education can be assessed using the 4 As framework, which asserts that for education to be a meaningful right it must be available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable. The 4 As framework was developed by the former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education, Katarina Tomasevski, but is not necessarily the standard used in every international human rights instrument and hence not a generic guide to how the right to education is treated under national law.[13] The 4 As framework proposes that governments, as the prime duty-bearer, has to respect, protect and fulfil the right to education by making education available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable. The framework also places duties on other stakeholders in the education process: the child, which as the privileged subject of the right to education has the duty to comply with compulsory education requirements, the parents as the ‘first educators’, and professional educators, namely teachers.[13] The 4 As have been further elaborated as follows:[14] * Availability – funded by governments, education is universal, free and compulsory. There should be proper infrastructure and facilities in place with adequate books and materials for students. Buildings should meet both safety and sanitation standards, such as having clean drinking water. Active recruitment, proper training and appropriate retention methods should ensure that enough qualified staff is available at each school. [15] * Accessibility – all children should have equal access to school services regardless of gender, race, religion, ethnicity or socio-economic status. Efforts should be made to ensure the inclusion of marginalized groups including children of refugees, the homeless or those with disabilities. There should be no forms of segregation or denial of access to any students. This includes ensuring that proper laws are in place against any child  labour or exploitation to prevent children from obtaining primary or secondary education. Schools must be within a reasonable distance for children within the community, otherwise transportation should be provided to students, particularly those that might live in rural areas, to ensure ways to school are safe and convenient. Education should be affordable to all, with textbooks, supplies and uniforms provided to students at no additional costs. [16] * Acceptability – the quality of education provided should be free of discrimination, relevant and culturally appropriate for all students. Students should not be expected to conform to any specific religious or ideological views. Methods of teaching should be objective and unbiased and material available should reflect a wide array of ideas and beliefs. Health and safety should be emphasized within schools including the elimination of any forms of corporal punishment. Professionalism of staff and teachers should be maintained.[17] * Adaptability – educational programs should be flexible and able to adjust according to societal changes and the needs of the community. Observance of religious or cultural holidays should be respected by schools in order to accommodate students, along with providing adequate care to those students with disabilities. [18] A number of international NGOs and charities work to realise the right to education using a rights-based approach to development.[citation needed] Historical development In Europe, before the Enlightenment of the eighteenth and nineteenth century, education was the responsibility of parents and the church. With the French and American Revolution education was established also as a public function. It was thought that the state, by assuming a more active role in the sphere of education, could help to make education available and accessible to all. Education had thus far been primarily available to the upper social classes and public education was perceived as a means of realising the egalitarian ideals underlining both revolutions.[19] However, neither the American Declaration of Independence (1776) nor the French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789) protected the right to education as the liberal concepts of human rights in the nineteenth century envisaged that parents retained the primary duty for providing education to their children. It was the states obligation to ensure that parents complied with this duty, and many states  enacted legislat ion making school attendance compulsory. Furthermore child labour laws were enacted to limit the number of hours per day children could be employed, to ensure children would attend school. States also became involved in the legal regulation of curricula and established minimum educational standards.[20] In On Liberty John Stuart Mill wrote that an â€Å"education established and controlled by the State should only exist, if it exists at all, as one among many competing experiments, carried on for the purpose of example and stimulus to keep the others up to a certain standard of excellence.† Liberal thinkers of the nineteenth century pointed to the dangers to too much state involvement in the sphere of education, but relied on state intervention to reduce the dominance of the church, and to protect the right to education of children against their own parents. In the latter half of the nineteenth century, educational rights were included in domestic bills of rights.[21] The 1849 Paulskirchenverfassung, the constitution of the German Empire, strongly influenced subsequent European constitutions and devoted Article 152 to 158 of its bill of rights to education. The constitution recognised education as a function of the state, independent of the church. Remarkable at the time, the constitution proclaimed the right to free education for the poor, but the constitution did not explicitly require the state to set up educational institutions. Instead the constitution protected the rights of citizens to found and operate schools and to provide home education. The constitution also provided for freedom of science and teaching, and it guaranteed the right of everybody to choose a vocation and train for it.[22] The nineteenth century also saw the development of socialist theory, which held that the primary task of the state was to ensure the economic and social well-being of the community through government intervention and regulation. Socialist theory recognised that individuals had claims to basic welfare services against the state and education was viewed as one of these welfare entitlements. This was in contrast to liberal theory at the time, which regarded non-state actors as the prime providers of education. Socialist ideals were enshrined in the 1936 Soviet Constitution, which was the first constitution to recognise the right to education with a corresponding obligation of the state to provide such education. The constitution guaranteed free and compulsory education at all levels, a system of state scholarships and vocational training in state  enterprises. Subsequently the right to education featured strongly in the constitutions of socialist states.[23] As a political goal, right to education was declared in F. D. Roosevelt’s 1944 speech on the Second Bill of Rights. Implementation International law does not protect the right to pre-primary education and international documents generally omit references to education at this level.[24] The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to education, hence the right applies to all individuals, although children are understood as the main beneficiaries.[25] The rights to education are separated into three levels: * Primary (Elemental or Fundamental) Education. This shall be compulsory and free for any child regardless of their nationality, gender, place of birth, or any other discrimination. Upon ratifying the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights States must provide free primary education within two years. * Secondary (or Elementary, Technical and Professional in the UDHR) Education must be generally available and accessible. * Higher Education (at the University Level) should be provided according to capacity. That is, anyone who meets the necessary education standards should be able to go to university. Both secondary and higher education shall be made accessible â€Å"by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education†. [26] Compulsory education The realisation of the right to education on a national level may be achieved through compulsory education, or more specifically free compulsory primary education, as stated in both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.[27][28] Action For Children (AFC) Action for Children (AFC) conceptualised by Wild Ganzen and supported by Net4Kids and Kids Rights aims at involving privileged citizens, civil society groups and various institutions including corporates in the development process. This programme supported by the Dutch Government promoted consortium (Wild Ganzen, Net4Kids and Kids Rights) has given a boost to the initiative. The programme is being implemented in three developing economies of the world namely Brazil, South Africa and India. Smile Foundation joined hands with the Consortium in April 2008 and since then has been executing the programme in India. The objective is to stimulate more fortunate mass to be a part of the development process and ensure sustainability of grassroots initiatives across India. Through AFC, Smile Foundation encourages people to ‘stand up and act’ to bring a change in the lives of underprivileged children and youth. Action For Children is based on the concept that development is a people’s issue and not just the government’s concern. With this premise, the Foundation has been striving to build a civil society that owes responsibility for societal development and participate whole-heartedly in transforming the lives of underprivileged children. Through AFC, Smile Foundation encourages individuals, civil society groups, corporate houses, professional associations, schools, colleges, youth wings to participate in the development process. The Action for Children programme sensitizes and involves the fortunate mass through: 1. Local Actions Local Action connotes organizing an event to raise funds for a child centric project. It can be organised by individuals, groups and institutions in their region. Local action aims at sensitization and consequent involvement of the privileged mass in raising funds for children through various activities 2. KidsXL KidsXL is a school exchange programme wherein children of privileged school and underprivileged school are brought together under one platform. Several interactive sessions and special activities are organized for the children. KidsXL aims at bringing the children from both the segments closer, thereby reducing social disparities. In the process, the children also learn to be sensitive and responsible towards the society 3. Media Advocacy The aim is to involve media in creating awareness among the people and advocating the cause before a wide audience. The Foundation sensitizes  people through documentaries, Public Service Advertisements, news features, advocacy campaigns, rallies etc. 4. Corporate Social Responsibility CSR aims at sensitising and involving corporates in the development process. It gives the corporates an opportunity to give back to the society. It is based on a partnership model wherein corporates partner with Smile Foundation either to support the whole or a part of capital cost or running cost of a child centric project. The inherent objective of the programme is to ensure that the development activities become locally sustainable.

Cert Introduction Essay

205 cert introduction to duty of care in health, social care or children and young people’s settings. 205 cert. 1 understanding the implications of duty of care. Q 1.1 Define the term duty of care. A 1.1 Health and social care organisations have what is called a duty of care towards the people look after, that means that they must do everything they can to keep the person in their care safe from harm, it is not only the care establishment that needs to prioritise the safety, welfare and interests of the people using its services, but also the care workers of the establishment. My employer also has a duty of care for staff members, to ensure that workers conditions are safe, suitable to deliver the service. Q 1.2 Describe how the duty of care affects own work role. See more: how to start a paragraph A 1.2 Duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeable harm others. 205 cert. 2 understanding support available for addressing a dilemmas that may arise about duty of care. Q 2.1 Describe dilemmas that may have arisen between the duty of care and an individual’s rights. A 2, 1 as a care worker my aim is to help people live independently. That means encouraging them to make decisions for themselves. When someone in our care decides to do something that we think is unsafe, we face a dilemma (a difficult choice between two decisions). If we stop them doing it, are we denying them the right to take risks? If we let them do something dangerous, are we failing in our duty of care? Q 2.2 explain where to get additional support and advice about resolve such dilemmas. A 2.2 Additional support may come from: Families and friends of the individual. Colleagues. Peers. Senior carers. Managers. Registered managers. Advocates. Care standards. Community psychiatric nurses. Health visitors. Doctors. Police. Local counsellors. Members of parliament. 205 cert. 3 Know how to respond to complaints. Q 3.1 describe how to respond to complaints. A 3.1 Individuals and their relatives and friends are confident that their complaints will be listened to, taken seriously and acted apon. The registered person ensures that there is a simple, clear and accessible complaint procedure which includes the stages and timescales for the proses, and that complaints are dealt with promptly and effectively. The registered person ensures that the person home has a complaint procedure which specifies how complaints may be made and who will deal with then, with an assurance that they will be responded to within a maximum of 28 days. A record is kept of all complaints made and includes details of investigations and any action taken. The register person ensures that written information is provided to all individuals for referring a complaint to the QCA at any stage, should the complainant wish to. Q 3.3 Identify the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints. A 3.3 There are principles of good complaints procedures by the local government ombudsman and heath service ombudsman .they are the following. 1 Getting it right.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bilingualism and Biculturalism

Bilingualism and biculturalism are intertwined terms that have influenced the social model of modern society. As everyday passes by, the world keeps getting smaller and we continue conforming to the cultural norms of the global society. While bilingualism helps us to keep our native language intact, biculturalism reminds of our true roots. In a world with diminishing cultural boundary lines, bilingualism and biculturalism are critical factors that help preserve one’s cultural identity. Bilingualism Bilingualism is basically the ability to comprehend and effectively communicate in two languages.However, various experts have their own definition of bilingualism with certain nuances. For instance, a bilingual is one who is recognized as a native speaker by natives of both languages, according to a French linguist named Thiery (Chan 2). In recent times, the ability to construct and express complete, meaningful sentences is considered adequate for one to achieve bilingualism. B. Wa ys to measure bilingualism Bilingualism can be measured by evaluating the level of mastery of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in both languages.Most bilinguals have superior command over one language compared to the other, as it is not very common for an individual to have equal mastery of both languages. Likewise, some bilinguals can understand a language better than they speak it; they are commonly referred to as receiving bilinguals. It is generally accepted among the linguist community that knowing a minimum of five thousand words in a language is necessary to carry out effective communication. C. Types of bilingualismVarious types of bilingualism have been found to exist as linguists continue to study the reasons and methods governing the existence of bilingualism. Sometimes, learning a second language might lead to the deterioration of ones native language. This negative impact over a person’s native language is called as subtractive bilingualism. Howeve r, if second language proficiency is achieved without causing any negative impact one’s mother tongue, then it is known as additive bilingualism. When an individual’s communication skills improve in general from the mastery of a second language, it is known as ascendant bilingualism.In countries where people speaking a certain language are frowned upon, there is a tendency to conceal one’s native language owing to the fear of being stigmatized. This phenomenon is known as covert bilingualism. On the other hand, some nations in the world have two official languages, as a result of having people from different cultural backgrounds speaking two different languages. Although not all people in the country speak or understand both the languages, such a country is known to exhibit societal bilingualism.Bilingualism can be classified into infant bilingualism and artificial bilingualism, based on the nature of acquiring bilingualism. Infant bilingualism is a native way o f acquiring both languages simultaneously, right from a very early age when a child begins to talk. This way of acquiring bilingualism would most probably result in one attaining almost equal proficiency in both languages. This is possible when both languages are natural part of the child’s environment. This usually happens when each parent is a native speaker of one language or if the parents are proficient in both languages.This way, the child finds both languages natural since he/she is exposed to it since birth. Artificial bilingualism is a phenomenon according to which parents consciously try to pass on a language that is not either of their mother tongues, to the children. This could be a result of societal or cultural pressure to speak the language like a native speaker. Artificial bilingualism can have a negative impact if the parents try to force a language that they are not proficient at it, since this could lead the children to form an improper language model.D. Bi culturalism Biculturalism enables an individual to possess native-like knowledge of two cultures present in his/her country. Hence, a bicultural person would have the ability to relate to members of both cultures as well as act according to the demands of both cultures. True biculturalism is said to have been achieved if a person inherently feels like a part of both cultures. E. Biculturalism in society Biculturalism usually exists in a country where two different cultures or cultural identities are allowed to freely flourish within the society.It is characterized by widespread occupation of people belonging to two diverse cultures. However, true biculturalism cannot exist in a country where one culture is suppressed or discriminated. Bicultural countries have official policies to protect the interest of both cultures. It also facilitates equitable status and rights to people belonging to both cultures without any prejudice. These countries also celebrate festivals pertaining to bot h cultures to preserve integrity of both cultures and foster the spirit of togetherness. E. 1 Biculturalism in CanadaCanada follows a policy of official bilingualism as its gives equal status to both English and French in its parliament and courts. This was done to preserve the cultural identity of French communities in Canada, as support for the French language in Canada had weakened and English had become the preferred language in business and politics, by the end of the nineteenth century. As the years passed by, Francophone communities outside of Quebec begun to realize the extinction of their culture was inevitable, unless French-based education was made a top priority.Certain political forces in Quebec had also wanted a separate state during the 1960s. Franco-Albertans living in Quebec called for bilingualism and biculturalism to ensure that Canada stayed united. This led to the proclamation of the Official Languages Act of 1969 announcing Canada as a bilingual nation (Alberta ’s Francophone Heritage 3). Today, Franco-Albertans are entitled to exclusive French-only education according to rights guaranteed by Bilingualism and Biculturalism Commission, while French is also now used in government offices and hospitals in Alberta.All these developments with respect to biculturalism have kept Canada together as one nation and led to the revival of the French culture. E. 2 Biculturalism in Australia Australia was originally inhabited only by several indigenous tribes, until the Europeans settlers started to immigrate there. These relatively new settlers started to control the ethnicity of the immigrants settling down to ensure that Australia had a cultural identity of a British Colony. Until 1973, the governments empowered by the Immigration Restriction Act followed the White Australia policy to keep a check on non-European immigration.The racial injustice perpetrated by the White Australia policy official came to end by passing of the Racial Discriminat ion Act in 1975. Australia started to rigorously follow a bicultural policy similar to Canada, opening its doors to several thousands of immigrants from all over the world. The extent of Australia’s multicultural policy can be better understood from a 2005 Department of Immigration statistic which reports that forty percent of the contributing workforce in Australia had at least one parent born outside of Australia, while twenty-five percent of them were not originally born in Australia (Wikiepedia 9).Australian values of ‘mateship’ centered on equality, loyalty and friendship, have enshrined in its biculturalism policy and given equal rights to all Australian citizens irrespective of their ethnicity. Multiculturalism was initially perceived as the acceptance of people coming from different cultural backgrounds as members of Australian society. However, the significance of biculturalism has now deepened and empowered immigrants in Australia to express their cultu ral identity, thereby enabling them to experience both Australian culture as well as their native culture. E.3 Biculturalism in the United States America, in spite of being one of most culturally diverse nations in the world and built on values of equality, does not officially have a federal multiculturalism policy. That being said, America does practices biculturalism on a social level as immigrants from various countries are freely allowed to practice their religion and exhibit their cultural identity. The Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 nullified quotas based on one’s national origin. Since then, more twenty twenty-eight million people immigrants have legally been accepted by the United States of America.Bilingualism is also prevalent is certain Southern states that are heavily populated with Spanish-speaking immigrants. F. The relationship of bilingualism to biculturalism Bilingualism and biculturalism are concepts that are very closely tied together. Bilingualism not only helps one to connect and effectively communicate with the society around him/her, but also enables a person to maintain command over his/her native language. Since language is the key to stay in touch with one’s ethic or national culture, bilingualism helps foster biculturalism as well.F. 1. Origin of bilingualism in bicultural societies Canada was one of the pioneers of the New World to officially adopt the policy of bilingualism. In 1867, British North America Act was passed to legalize to conversing in English as well as French in Canadian Parliament as well as Courts of Law, thereby paving the way for a bicultural state. As the world’s political climate began to change during the beginning of the twentieth century, the idea of cultural pluralism started to gain momentum.Biculturalism began in western world and paved the way for biculturalism to be adopted as a political policy in many other parts of the world. F. 2. Bilingual education Bilingual education is a method of teaching all subjects to students through a country’s primary language as well as the student’s native language. There are several types of approaches and programs available to carry out bilingual education. Transitional programs teach all subjects in the students’ native language and English is taught as a separate subject until bilingual students can study along with other native students in normal classrooms.Dual Language programs consist of an equal combination of students who are native English speakers as well students who have another common native language. These methods enable all students in the class to be bilingual and understand subject matter in both languages. Late-exit program is yet another method that is quite similar to transitional programs, but it also teaches all the subjects in English again to reinforce the subject content and achieve effective bilingualism. It is hard to generalize and develop a common plan to educate bilingual students. For instance, in the US, young immigrants are either more educated or less educated native-born American students since immigrants from Asian countries are relatively well-educated compared to their South American counterparts, as a result of to social and economic differences. Language maintenance and Language shift Language maintenance is an effort to preserve the linguistic ability of child in his/her native language, while not compromising on learning the popular secondary language at school. It is can result from a passion for one’s culture or a necessity to communicate with elder members in the family.Career prospects due to international acclaim or the availability of media services such as television programs or books in one’s native could also cause language maintenance. The avoidance of one’s native language is known as language shift. For instance, bilingual children may stop using their mother tongue owing to a higher degree of English exposure in sc hool. Other factors that influence language shift are fear of one’s native language negatively influencing their English language skills or learning abilities.Lack of parental encouragement to maintain one’s native language can also lead to language shift. G. Transference Transference occurs when a person’s native language negatively influences the way he/she uses another language or vice-versa. This influence can occur in the form of distinctive oral expressions i. e. accent or odd sentence compositions. It is classified into lexical, phonological, semantic, prosodic, tonemic, syntactic and pragmatic transferences.CONCLUSIONThe concepts of bilingualism and biculturalism are two critical aspects that have held together societies comprising of several cultures, languages, races and ethnic backgrounds. Since transference or the deviation from the norms of a language could lead to language shift, proper bilingual education has to be provided to ensure that one is c omfortable using both languages. Bilingualism, the preservation of one’s native language accompanied by command over a country’s primary language, is necessary to achieve biculturalism in a society as well retaining one’s true cultural identity.References A Research Guide for Students. (1998-2006). Retrieved March 20, 2008. http://www. aresearchguide. com/1steps. html Bilingualism and Biculturalism. Retrieved March 20, 2008, from Alberta’s Francophone Heritage. http://www. edukits. ca/francophone/en/secondary/infomatics_text_bilingualism. html Chan, K. (1998). Bilingualism and Biculturalism. Retrieved March 20, 2008, from Academia. http://www. geocities. com/goktimus/bilingualism. html Multiculturalism. Retrieved March 20, 2008, from Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Multiculturalism

Monday, July 29, 2019

Argueing for the Legalization of same-sex marriages in Illinois Essay

Argueing for the Legalization of same-sex marriages in Illinois - Essay Example to make decisions for their partner who is being hospitalized, have the right to sue on their partner’s behalf and cannot be forced to testify against them in court. Married couples also pay less in taxes and receive many other social and financial benefits. But because gay couples are legally prevented from marrying, they are excluded from receiving the same considerations that married heterosexual couples enjoy (Eagle, 2006). This paper will more closely examine the benefits denied gay couples as well as the political and legal implications involved with the issue. It will conclude with a discussion involving one of the main non-religious based reasons that those who oppose gay marriage espouse, the affect of this type of living arrangement on the children of the relationship. The argument proposed by the opponents of gay marriage is that the U.S. Constitution guarantees a republican form of government in which elected officials are intended to set social policy for the nation. Legislators do this by representing their constituent’s moral views when drafting laws. Because the Constitution bars the intertwining of state and religion, the only method of ensuring that moral and ethical codes are enforced throughout society is through acts of legislation. In fact, lawmakers draft laws that address moral issues constantly and not just in high profile matters such as abortion, pornography and gay rights. When courts determine morality issues, they counteract legislation meant to protect the moral fabric of society and break down the constitutionally guaranteed separation of powers within the government. â€Å"When judges erode the power of the people’s representatives to set society’s moral compass, they likewise undercut the authority of parents, schools, and other community groups to set the standards they would like to see their children and fellow citizens live by. Indeed, it is a frontal assault on community values writ large† (Raul,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Influences of U.S. Infrastructure Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Influences of U.S. Infrastructure - Assignment Example These lines are research works pertaining to data infrastructure and parties with diverse histories of international categorization of illnesses for biological research (Hall, Reed, and Torralba, 2002). Second, infrastructure stabilizes the degree to which they can offer adaptable and domestic usage by all sorts of users. At the same time, infrastructure sustains adequate consistency to facilitate organization through local places and various communities. Third, infrastructure reveals faults or failures in the second line of research on previously distributed features of cognition. One negative effect of infrastructure is the failure of power that leads to disruption. Power failure means some gadgets become unfeasible, causing members of the navigation team to regroup their activities and cater to the demands of a fast-paced fix series. Another negative result is the rise in the risk of many infrastructural collapses that go past topographic and practical limits. The third negative effect is the inability to predict conveniently the long-term impact of new infrastructure and disruptive technology (Martin, 2007). In conclusion, infrastructure in the United States has more positives than negatives impacts on research and emergency management. The effect of infrastructure on the general level of emergency management and disruptive representation mostly relies on the existing level of productivity

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Case Presentation Pathophysiology Research Paper

Case Presentation Pathophysiology - Research Paper Example Coronary artery disease mostly occurs due to atheroma formation and its complications like thrombosis and rupture of atheroma. The arteries can also becomes diseased due to other conditions like polyarteritis, aortitis, connective tissue disorders, congenital anomalies like anamolous coronary artery origin, coronary artery malformation and fistula formation (Zevitz, 2006). Atheroma or atherosclerosis is the patchy focal deposition of plaques in the intima of the arttherosclerosis can affect any artery in the body and coronary arteries are at maximum risk for development of the disease (Maseri et al, 1992). Atherosclerosis begins to develop in the second or third decade of life. Thereafter it gradually progresses. Monocytes which circulate in the blood migrate into the intimal layer of the arteries. After reaching there, they take up low density lipoproteins after oxidization in the plasma. These are then known as lipid-laden foam cells (Zevitz, 2006). When these foam cells die, lipid s are released which develop fatty streaks on the intimal wall. This triggers migration and proliferation of the smooth muscles of the artery wall to form plaques. Over a period of time, collagen rich fibrous tissue surrounds the plague and forms mature fibrolipid plague. These plagues are dangerous because they can either rupture or create a fissure on the intima, allowing blood to enter the fissure. Entry of blood causes disruption of the arterial wall which leads to compromise of vessel lumen, thrombosis and also vasospasm, all of which contribute to decreased blood flow through the vessel. Rarely, the rupture of vessel can cause complete occlusion of the artery resulting in acute coronary artery syndrome (Zevitz, 2006). There are several risk factors which can cause ischemic heart disease, the most which is advanced age. This is because; as the age progresses, the size and the number of plaques increase. Other risk factors include male sex, family history of ischemic heart disea se, hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, smoking, obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperfibrinogenemia, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes, hypertension, low levels of antioxidants, and poor eating habits (Zevitz, 2006). Ischemic heart disease can manifest as one or more of the following: angina, heart failure, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias and sudden death. Of these angina and myocardial infarction are common. Angina occurs due to imbalance between oxygen demand and blood supply to the heart muscle. The most common manifestation of angina is chest pain (Alaeddini and Shirani, 2006). Angina is caused due to chemical and mechanical stimulation of the sensory afferent nerve endings in the myocardium and coronary arteries. The main mediator of angina is adenosine (Alaeddini and Shirani, 2006). Whenever atherosclerotic plaque decreases the lumen by atleast 50 percent, angina manifests whenever there is increased oxygen demand. When more than 90 percent is blocked, angina manifests even i n rest (Alaeddini and Shirani, 2006). Investigations useful to diagnose angina are graded exercise stress test, stress echocardiography, myocardial perfusion scintigraphy tests, Coronary artery calcium scoring, electrocardiogram, stress electrocardiogram, ambulatory electrocardiogram, selective coronary angiography and intra-aortic balloon counter pulsation. Main treatments include nitroglycerine, betablockers, calcium channel blockers,

Friday, July 26, 2019

IT163 BD Unit 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

IT163 BD Unit 2 - Research Paper Example The objectives and needs of the enterprise must be considered when making decision on what to use in a distributed relational database. How the application program is going to be coded, where it resides in regard to the data and the network design that merges or connects the application program are all very important design considerations. Database design in a distributed relational database is more complex than when dealing with the I series relational database. It is important to understand the purpose of the business or the organization for which the database is to belong and the relational database technology. Operations that necessitate particular attentions when forming your strategy include general operations, networking protocols, system security, accounting, problem analysis and backup and recovery processes involved. Of great importance is to avoid replica of rows of the same data available in a database. This is referred to as data redundancy. Data redundancy gives problems to IT departments responsible for database management. Redundancy can be avoided by the use of keys in tables. For example, in the database of an organization for accessing and storing employees’ data, then for each employee we have a defined primary key condition for employee number. If an attempt is made to enter a second row of the same data for the employee the system should

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Adopting a simple profit-maximising perspective ..... can have Essay - 2

Adopting a simple profit-maximising perspective ..... can have positive impacts for a firm,Using examples where appropriate, discuss this assertion - Essay Example This paper will examine the positive impact of the firm by applying the profit maximization strategies and perspectives. Different aspects of profit maximization of the firms and their strategies in order to maximize their profit will be studied in this paper. Some firms achieve its profit maximizing objectives by developing and implementing several strategies by motivating its employees and managers, improving returns on investments, and increasing product awareness etc. Competitive strategies that a firm implement to maximize its profits are as follows: A firm can destabilize its competitors by increasing its market share and sell the products or services at the same prices as competitors do to maximize its profit and creating a positive impact on the firm. A firm having the capability to produce the product at low cost can maximize its profit easily and in short time(Business Plan Hut 2012). A firm uses differentiation strategy usually to gain a competitive advantage over the existing workers inside that firm. Profit maximizing firm adopts this strategy when a customer’s desire and wants are so varied that a consistent product do not satisfy their desire. When customers are placing more value on the differentiated products that a firm is providing to them, then they are force to pay high price to that firm which helps it to maximize its profit(Business Plan Hut 2012). To maximize a firm’s profit and creating a positive impact on that firm, a focus or niche strategy must be huge to give away a healthy profit to that firm. The firm that employs this competitive strategy to maximize its profit experiences a loyal customer base. This competitive strategy helps the firm to maximize its profit that has a positive impact on the firm. Focus Strategy tends to be beneficial for the firm to maximize its profit when the following factors are set: Oil companies believe in long-term profit maximization and avoid large short-term losses and show their

Literal and Figurative Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Literal and Figurative Language - Essay Example When one sees in a mirror, he sees himself. The man ‘staring back from the glass’ is your own self. The usage of simile can be seen in the following line, In the above-mentioned line, the poet compares the man looking in the glass to Jack Horner and chisel, a plum. The poem is metaphorical in its deliverance of ideas as the poet conveys the notion of a man looking for his own self, he cannot cheat himself as it has a disastrous ending but he can befriend himself by knowing him and by being true to himself. If he is unable to ‘look him straight in the eye’, he lacks strength to face himself. It has also some literal aspects such as a man seeing in mirror, sees his own reflection as the poet says, â€Å"A Bird Came Down† by Emily Dickinson also contains literal as well as figurative language. Emily narrates the incident of seeing a bird that ‘came down the walk’, his eating of the angle-worm, his drinking the dew, his rapid eyes, his cautiousness and the poet’s offering of a crumb, each and everything is literal as it appears as a true narration of an event. However, we can also find figurative language in the poem as the poet compares the bird’s flight and his style, His feathers were like oars, which divided the ocean, they appeared of silver color, his flight was like the flight of butterflies and his style of flight was like a swimmer who leaped and bounced, while flying. We can see the usage of simile and metaphor in the above lines. His stirring of ‘his velvet head/Like one in danger’ is again containing a simile. The poem, â€Å"Little Boy Blue† by Eugene Field shows the employment of literal as well as figurative language. The presence of old toys at their places and the dust and rust covering them is indicative of their being old and being neglected, which is literal language. The Little boy blue is the child who owns the toys, one of which is described explicitly, the soldier with the dog. The poet personifies

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Behavior finance and market efficiency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Behavior finance and market efficiency - Essay Example In this report, the main causes and underlying drivers of the recent global, financial crisis are explained. Also, comparison and contrast of behavioural and non-behavioural explanations commonly provided by finance academics have been made. The main causes behind the recent global, financial crisis include deregulation by financial institutions, accompanied by rapid financial innovation, which stimulated powerful financial booms. As the financial institutions became flawed, leading to the financial crises, governments responded to such crises with bailouts that allowed new expansions to begin (Crotty, 2009, p, 563). First, the integration of modern day financial markets with the era’s light government regulations, which is also referred to as the New Financial Architecture (NFA) led to the global, financial crisis (Crotty, 2009, p, 563). It should be noted that the New Financial Architecture is based on light regulation of commercial banks, lighter regulation on investment ba nks and little regulation on the shadow banking system. The shadow banking system represents hedge and private equity funds and special investments that are created by banks (Crotty, 2009, p, 563). Minimal regulation of financial institutions led excessive risk taking by numerous financial institutions because of the existing incentives in the market, without fear of restriction or limitation. The assumption that rational investors can make optimal decisions, and that only those who could handle risk, could take it is based on poor theoretical foundations, with no convincing empirical support (Crotty, 2009, p, 563). On the contrary, many investors and financial institution took excessive risk, which they could not manage. Consequently, the global, financial crisis had to arise when the potential losses associated with high risk occurred. Separately, it should be noted that perverse incentives affect key personnel of vital financial institutions such as commercial banks, insurance co mpanies, investment banks, hedge and private equity funds, as well as, mutual and pension funds to take excessive risk when financial markets are buoyant (Crotty, 2009, p, 563). For instance, the provision for no return of fees for securities for mortgage loans, if the securities suffered large losses made most market participants to take loans, as much as the loans may have not been viable or sound (Crotty, 2009, p, 563). Problems arose when the loan takers failed to service or repay the loans because their investments could not profit due to the prevailing market conditions. Financial innovation contributed to emergence of recent global, financial crisis because it led to the creation of financial products that are so complex that they are not transparent (Crotty, 2009, p, 563). This means that such financial products cannot be priced correctly. They are also illiquid and are not sold on markets. In the current financial market, there is a higher value of securities that are not s old on the markets than the existing securities (Crotty, 2009, p, 563). The fact, that sale of securities derivatives is mostly carried out by an investment bank negotiating with customers over the counter, led to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wall Street Journal Hospitality Trend-Impact Report Research Paper

Wall Street Journal Hospitality Trend-Impact Report - Research Paper Example intelligence and reliable network to enable them make concrete decisions within the shortest time possible that can aid in solving problems arising at work place and websites. E-business not only increases customer base but also makes the products and services available to global customers in different parts of the world. In the article, Landmark Buildings Make Hotel Comebacks by Lana Bortolot, hotels within New York City transformed from one star to five stars. AKA building was an abandoned building and was renovated by Larry Korman to accommodate high number of visitors touring New York City. Hospitality is groomed in socio-economic and political facets of New York City where skills were injected into individuals to make them appreciate the roles played by tourism in economic stability. Customer Benefit Package is AKA Times culture that is geared towards achievement of consumer satisfaction. Consumer behaviour is given priority and considered in decision making in order to attract new and retain potential customers. In AKA Times, the restaurant and check-in services are maintained by well trained staff who give customer first priority. Customer Benefit Package can therefore, be measured by customer response after the stay. Complains and compliments helps in improvement of nature of service delivery because it aids in identifying weak and sturdy areas. The land mark building in AKA Times Square depicts the modern building that promotes tourism in the society. The building has many businesses within one premise that make accessibility and efficiency easy for instance, Artisanal coffee shop, five star restaurants and a boutique. Hospitality and tourism need modern buildings that can accommodate visitors who stay for long. The building was made city landmark in 2007 and this gives it advantage over other hotels for instance the nearby Texas hotel company FelCor Lodging Trust Inc. which is undergoing renovation. On the other hand, technology and information

Monday, July 22, 2019

Economic and Social Development in Post-Independence Jamaica and Barbados Essay Example for Free

Economic and Social Development in Post-Independence Jamaica and Barbados Essay Jamaica and Barbados have socially and economically advanced since their independences. Each country has been able to economically sustain itself without the assistance of Britain, which used to govern the two as territories. But despite the two countries’ self-regulation and reliance, both of the nations are quite poor, and are considered third world countries. Jamaican and Barbadian History Both of the two nations were originally colonized by Great Britain (after being discovered by the Spanish) under the mercantilism policy, which encouraged European colonization of other areas. This was because the policy showed that a nation’s prosperity could be determined by its adequacy in trade, and exports were far more valuable than imports under the policy. So European nations that could not produce particular products on their own would colonize other areas that could, so they could use the goods, and export them to other nations that did not have the means to acquire those particular goods on their own. So many of the Caribbean islands that Britain colonized were exploited because of their warm climates, which allowed them to grow certain crops, such as sugar. This crop was one of the main reasons that Britain had colonized such territories as Jamaica and Barbados. Jamaica’s Independence and its Economic Enterprises Thereafter It was in 1962 that the United Kingdom’s parliament granted Jamaica its independence, after which the nation ceased to be regulated by its European founder. After its independence, the Jamaican government arose, and began sponsoring employment opportunities, though many jobs arose in the private sector. Sugar and bananas were the original crops grown in Jamaica, and exported to locations worldwide, and the cultivation of these crops serves as a major source of employment on the island. The nation’s tropical climate makes it a suitable location for the growing of these crops, which cannot be grown in the United States or Europe, so some of the sugar and bananas in those areas come from Jamaica. Jamaican Exports and Recent Economic Problems Jamaica also has a natural supply of bauxite, which is a source of aluminum ore, and is therefore a valuable product, which employs many people as miners. But recently, the economic status of the island has been declining. Periods of unfavorable weather have led to a sharp decrease in the production of sugar cane and bananas over the last decade, and inflation has been plaguing the island. The recent lack of favorable agricultural activity has been so extreme that the nation has been forced to import products that, if conditions were better, Jamaica could produce itself. But lately, coffee has been another profitable crop that can be grown around the island’s blue mountains area, when sugar and bananas cannot, and it serves as a primary export, and source of national income. Other Industries in Jamaica Jamaica also has an industry concerned with the rearing of domestic animals, and a dairy industry. But that has also been declining, and the nation has actually been importing milk, butter, and cheese from elsewhere. Other smaller cash crops of the island include citrus fruits, such as oranges, and cocoa, but the industries concerned with those crops are considerably smaller than that of the sugar sector. Mining employs a small number of citizens, as does fishing, and foresting, as loggers are able to export lumber to countries that do not have access to the same tropical woods. Also in Jamaica is the manufacturing industry, which usually accounts for just under 20% of the nation’s GDP annually. Tourism has also proved to be a profitable market for the nation, and it serves as a social and economic boost for the nation, but since the turn of the century, tourism has been slower in Jamaica. Barbados’ Independence and Its Trade History Barbados achieved its independence from the United Kingdom in 1966, after which the nation began governing and regulating itself. Since that time, sugar cane has proved to be the greatest contribution to the nation’s employment, and it serves as Barbados’ most significant export. In 1961, five years before the country’s independence from great Britain, Barbados opened the Deep Water Harbour port, located in Bridgetown, which serves as the nation’s main port, and allows large container ships and freighters to export sugar and manufactured products Barbados’ Manufacturing Sector Although sugar was for some time the main source of income for the nation, recently, manufacturing and tourism has been increasing in Barbados. The manufacturing sector began in the 1980s, and continued to be a profitable investment in the country into the 1990s, as certain companies exploited the nation’s cheap labor to save money on manufacturing in the United States and Europe. The United States has proved to be the main trade partner of Barbados, which also relies on certain imports from the United States. â€Å"The United States remained Barbados leading trade partner in 1987 with transactions valued at $189 million ($128 million in U. S. exports and $61 million in U.  S. imports),† an article for Business America, entitled Barbados: economy relies on U. S. for products, investment Business Outlook Abroad reported of the trade status in 1988. â€Å"Moreover, Barbados continued to welcome American investment in virtually all sectors of the economy. In addition to direct investors, in recent years Barbados has attracted a sizable number of American captive insurers, international business companies, and foreign sales corporations largely through a bilateral double taxation agreement. This means that at an earlier time, the economy of the nation was stabilized by foreign investments, and exports that served to preserve trade relations between the United States and Barbados. Trade Alliances and Foreign Investments And with Barbados’ good terms with the United States came the tourism industry. American, Canadian, and European tourists provide the nation with a stable tourism industry that serves as a main source of income on the nation. Foreign interests in the nation that led to the tourism industry was somewhat of an atypical event for a Caribbean country, as most nations in the area have not been able to capitalize on the industry, or attract foreign investors in its markets as Barbados did. Major tourism projects, such as resorts and cruise adventures continue to benefit the nation’s tourism industry, and satisfied tourists keep the industry alive. Federal and Private Programs in Barbados Recently, government-regulated ventures in the nation have been turning into privatized corporations. The government of the nation is not satisfied with the high unemployment rate, so it is trying to encourage small businesses to form, and stabilize themselves, because this should lead to the creation of jobs. But lately, nationally sponsored programs such as offshore banking enterprises, and foreign exchange moderation by Barbados have proved to be effective ways of earning the nation capital. Most manufacturing and sugar cane production, however, is done in the private sector, and is not federally regulated. This allows small businesses and farmers to have steady employment, and the steady production of crops allows the nation to not only export the crops, but use them itself, which decreases Barbados’ reliance on imports from other nations. Both Jamaica and Barbados have been able to maintain themselves to some degree, economically and socially since their independences from Britain. The development of Jamaica, however, was much more typical for a West Indian nation than was the development of Barbados, because Jamaica was not able to draw foreign investors and establish particularly coordinated trade patterns like Barbados was. In this aspect, Barbados was much more successful than were most West Indian nations, as it was able to maintain exports even when economic times were difficult. The Jamaican economy has been experiencing more problems than that of Barbados, and inflation in Jamaica is causing serious problems. Barbados, however, unlike most Caribbean nations, has been able to rebound, and it has a very high rate of tourism, which provides the nation with a steady rate of foreign income.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Oil And Energy Industry In UAE

Oil And Energy Industry In UAE The UAE is a rich source of natural resources and it has substantially developed itself as a major player in the oil and gas industry. UAE is one of the member countries of OPEC and has been given a remarkable position in oil and gas industry all over the world by having 10% holding of total oil reserves of the world in the federation (Hellyer). The central theme of the report is to analyze the oil and gas industry of UAE country so as to analyze the contribution and impact of oil and gas industry to the GDP and economic development. Fundamentals of the Oil and Energy Industry: Historical Development of the Oil Sector around the World: The UAE is a member of the OPEC since 1967 and holds superior position in terms of the oil and gas industry with the federation holding of 10% of the total oil reserves of the world. The future holds lucrative prospects in the natural gas sector as it would cater to the manufacturing industry, generation of power and petrochemical industry by providing a source of fuel. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the two prominent emirates responsible for the success and growth of the oil and energy sector in the U.A.E. (Energy and UAE) Importance of Oil in the UAE: The UAE is essentially an imperative provider of oil to global energy markets, by making around 10% of the overall global supply of crude oil reserves. In terms of oil exports, UAE accounts for nearly 30% of its gross domestic product becoming a mainstay in the economy. Also, UAE is emerging as a relevant consumer of energy in addition to being an important global supplier of energy. The UAE will continue to maintain its long convention of being responsible energy stewardship owing to its diversification and development of economy; acceleration of growth of additional hydrocarbon reserves and contributing significantly towards the implementation and development of other alternative sources of energy (The UAE and Global Oil Supply). Production and Reserves: Production: S.No Particulars Capacity (2011) Oil Production 3,096.34 (Thousand Barrels Per Day) Crude Oil Production 2,687.67 (Thousand Barrels Per Day) Natural Gas Production 1,811 (Billion Cubic Feet) Electricity Production 81.08 (Billion Kilowatt-hours) Source: Reserves: S.No Particulars Capacity (2011) 1. Oil proved reserves 97.8 (Billion Barrels) 2. Natural gas proved reserves 214 (Trillion Cubic feet) Source: OPEC: Background of OPEC: The Oil Producing Exporting Countries (OPEC) has been established with the sole purpose of stabilizing the prices of oil in the member countries and also to impose quotas so as to prevent the wrong and over usage of natural resources which result to their extinction sooner than expectation. As per the current information, OPECà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s combined reserves accounts for 1190 billion barrels of oil. According to the 2008 agreement, the production cut was imposed on the existing quota and continuing to till now. Facts reveal that the OPEC countries produce 2 million barrels a day in excess of the permitted capacity of 24.845 million barrels per day(Alternative Energy Sources Synthetic Fuels Renewable Energy). Source: (OPEC share of world crude oil reserves) Effectiveness of OPEC in achieving its Objectives: OPEC was primarily formed to keep a check on the oil prices and bridging the gap of demand and supply in the global oil market. But still the quota implementations are not followed by various countries resulting in the production of oil more than the permitted quota. According to the claims of OPEC, the fluctuation in the prices is not due to the changes in demand and supply but due to the overproduction oil other than the allotted quotas (Sousa). OPEC and Oil prices in the last 4-5 years: The following figure shows the fluctuations in the global oil prices with the adherence of OPEC rules associated with oil production: Source: (Why oil prices are so high: Production shortfall, Iran concerns, and low interest rates) OPEC Quota and how it has changed over time: The OPEC quota for the production of oil for UAE is 2.23 million barrels per day. It had joined OPEC in 1967 and is the Full Member country. It produces 2798000 barrels of oil and exports 3.32% of oil in all over the world. It is ranked as the 6th largest country for the oil reserves in the world. The OPEC aims at providing the stabilization of the price of oil as regards the member countries and also the imposition of quotas as will prevent overuse of the resources which could lead to finishing up of oil reserves sooner than expected. OPEC decides the production quotas for its member countries as per the global requirement of oil which could be changed by the OPEC as per the strategic decisions pertaining to conservation, preservation, demand and supply of the oil globally (Sousa) . Source: (Sousa) Role and the influence of the UAE within OPEC: UAE become the member of OPEC countries in 1967 and acts as an active member since 1974. Since then it act as a major contributor of oil and gas industry among OPEC members. It provides the constant source of oil to the consumers of OPEC by providing approximate 2.3 million barrels of oil per day. In addition to the supply of traditional sources of energy, UAE also contributes to provide new alternatives of energy through substantial development. (UAE contributes to global energy sector: OPEC) Effect of a quota cut by OPEC: The quota cut by OPEC will affect recovery of economy in the global market. As per the evidences, the quotas cut is not helping in controlling the price issues of the oil and gas industry rather it is increasing the problem as countries tends to produce oil other than the permitted quota. The hikes in the prices of oil will increase the prices of other commodities resulting increase the rate of inflation and slowing down the economic development. (Pirog) Analysis: According to the data obtained from the Journal of Oil and Gas, the UAE is an important producer of oil, holding significantly seventh position in terms of proven resources globally. The UAE has been able to sustain its global reserves owing to the advanced enhanced oil recovery technology, EOR being implemented that leads to increase in extraction rates of several major projects in oil sector. The technology combines with high oil prices eventually to make reserves more commercially viable (United Arab Emirates Energy Data, Statistics and Analysis) The policies and procedures of oil in the UAE is primarily carried out by the government under the flagship of the Supreme Petroleum Council, through ADNOC operating at every level of oil and energy sector in UAE. The government has pushed back several its plans to increase capacity in order to increase the production capacity of crude oil (United Arab Emirates Energy Data, Statistics and Analysis). UAE economy, underpinned by its wealth in oil, has recorded a steady growth over the last couple of years. In terms of oil GDP, the figures have doubled from AED 387.8 billion to AED 934.3 in last assessment year. Recent Development in Oil Sector of UAE: With the advent of Habshan-Al-Fujairah pipeline for the purpose of carrying oil from oil fields of Abu Dhabi to the exporting port has been essentially proved as a strategic and economic advantage for the overall sector of the country. The pipeline extending 350 kilometers from oil fields and with this the country will be able to export 1.5 million oil barrels in a single day. (Asoomi) Alternatives to Oil Industry: Keeping in mind the limited availability of fossil fuels and to prevent its overuse to meet the worldà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s growing energy demands, various alternatives to energy sources have been identified. Unconventional alternatives Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is the upcoming form of natural gas which provides an excellent alternative to conventional natural gas usage. GTL is not only a beneficial alternative but is also environment friendly as there are no harmful emissions on its combustion. Oil sands also provide a source of the extraction of oil from it and its use is significantly increasing with time. The only limiting factor is the increasing cost of setting up the required infrastructure and cost of mining and extraction of oil from it. However the oil sands are accompanied by noxious fumes which are contributing to the global warming issue (Alternative Energy Sources Synthetic Fuels Renewable Energy). Bio-fuels have been the outcome of recent developments in scientific researches. In this the organic matter is used to derive hydrocarbon based fuels such as Biodiesel, ethanol, etc. The conventional sources of energy include solar, wind and hydro energy all of which are renewable and 100% environment friendly. (Alternative Energy Sources Synthetic Fuels Renewable Energy) . Recent Developments: UAE has been involved in many new projects including increase in crude oil production to 4 million barrels per day by 2020. This would results to the increase in 40% from current capacity. The major upcoming projects include Bourouge complex expansion projects and the Habshan Gas Complex Expansion. UAE is planning to invest $ 6 billion to develop the infrastructure of oil and gas industry. Abu Dhabi government is planning to invest $ 20 billion in Masdar to develop alternative energy resources to oil and gas industry. (Oil Gas Directory Middle East) Future Scenarios: Future plans of the OPEC and the UAE Oil sector and their effect on the Economy: To promote fair and stable oil prices and strategies of capacity expansion. To examine the technological, economical, political growth and development pertaining to the oil energy and other important sectors. To encourage the oil consuming nations for the enhancement of investment associated with downstream sector. To promote the technological development in order to addressing the issues pertaining to the climate changes. To minimize the bad impact of environmental issues on the developing countries which exporting fossil-fuel (OPEC Long-Term Strategy). Impact of Oil and Non-Oil Alternatives on the future of the UAE: Oil sector is one of the essential components contributing towards the countryà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s economy with special economic consequence on rate of inflation, consumer spending and eventually auto sales of the country. The boom in the oil sector is bringing a gradual shift from trading and fishing to oil sector, making UAE depending heavily on petroleum and crude oil as a main source of foreign exchange earnings. The real output growth of the country is increasing owing to the rising hydrocarbon production and other non oil sectors, especially trade, logistics and services eventually bearing a relative economic growth revival. Recommendations: It is recommended to grab the opportunity from joint ventures to develop the sources not only in Dubai but also all over the UAE. Need to pay attention to other prevailing sectors such as banking, real state, telecom and aviation in order to increase the GDP and economic development. Identification of better source of material and labor should so as invest in major projects along with the implementation of Green initiatives Conclusion: Oil and Energy is a certainly a very important sector of the world that nourishes and contributes as a largest part to the GDP of the country. The production of oil leads to the production of various by-products and therefore the oil producing and exporting companies in UAE earns great revenue. At the same time, country earns most of its export earnings from oil and gas sector. On the other hand, due to emergence of other non oil sectors and slow economic growth, the sector is now facing several challenges including the challenge of diversification and privatization.

Heart and Soul Gem and Jewellery Analysis

Heart and Soul Gem and Jewellery Analysis Executive Summary Heart and Soul Gem and Jewellery is a well established company in Sri Lanka for the past 15 years. We have been catering to this market successfully and we have a proven track record of our achievement throughout past years. As mentioned above our products are Gem and Jewellery, and we market stones as well as designer jewellery to our target market. Our target market is the high end markets that always look for delicate and unique presence of styles in jewellery as well as in stones. We have been the market leader in Sri Lanka for the past five years and have been very successful in holding our position. In order to expand our business internationally we are now in the process of moving into different countries and exporting Gem and Jewellery. On this basis now we are in the progress of exporting Gem and Jewellery to the US market. Not only exporting but also we are planning to open up our retail outlets in the main suburbs which are well known for our types of products which would be California as well as Los Angeles. Thus, the following report will be analysing the US market as well as the feasibility of our products being exported there. The reports analyses various areas including the market analysis, product specifications, pricing, promotions, rules and implications and so on. Introduction Socio-cultural Analysis As early days as well as today market for Gems have a high demand all over the world. Mainly the biggest buyer for Gem stones are United States and European countries. People who are highly rich and moderate income earners coming from Royal Families, Celebrities from Hollywood to Bollywood wear these precious stones for their ultimate satisfaction needs. In USA most ladies wear these expensive stones such as Pearls, Rubies, and Sapphires for uniqueness and for the charming effect that built through these precious stones. Most men and women wear this stones to show there prestige as well as to enhance their public image and to show their wealthiest and the social class. As the social impact of having a Gemstone is remarkable experience and also mentioned as Good luck. A person who receives a wedding ring or the wedding necklace embedded with Diamond stones, on the wedding day she will be the luckiest lady in the whole world. Also another example a mother who receives a birthstone for her little one will be a memorable gift for all mothers of all ages. According to US culture women who are rich and fashionable, they normally dont miss to wear these accessories. Most of the elegant women who are capable of having several kinds of gemstones have the advantage of using variety of stones depending on the occasion. As an example diamonds gives a classy look and posh image for evening gatherings. And Rubies are very precious that gives a charming effect on women. Economic Analysis Gems Jewellery industry is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Mainly USA is the largest buyer for gems and jewellery. The trends and challenges can influence the gems and jewellery market is in USA. There was a less demand for platinum jewellery in last few years in USA. One of the pluses accruing for the falling U.S. Dollar is the consequent depreciation which results. In this way, the products made in US will become more attractive in the international market. In the same way our gem export will be facing the Dollar shortage. This challenge will have to be circumventing by other ways. Firstly, it is wise to open a Sri Lanka branch in US because it can serve several purposes. Its can supply wholesale or retail or do the advertising of our local product. Sri Lanka branch can be sensitive to the customs, restrictions or variation keep our country in form. Our Sri Lankan Branch in Los Angeles can do so much to outdo the glittering synthetics for the following reasons. Also a future purchases in US on gemstone will be at a higher price. It is true that the entire ruff for the gem stone come to US from outside US has only a few exceptions. The general trend is that foreign stone have a general rising price trend that is keeping pace with the growing, fashions demand of US. The Product Evaluate product as an innovation as it is perceived by the intended market Relative Advantage Most importantly, the consumer must consider the product should have benefits that are superior to other options (Solomon, 2008, p. 653).Sri Lanka is well known as the island of gems, because the brilliant range of gems found in its soil, namely cats eye, spinel, blue, white, star and fancy sapphires, garnet, topaz, moonstones, zircon, , and chrysoberyl. The stones are mining in larger scale in Ratnapura and Elahara areas. Gem cutting ensures maximum yield and the best quality as well as its brings the maximum beauty, rarity, durability, and value of the stones. Compatibility The innovation must be consistent with current needs, values, beliefs, and behaviours. (Solomon, 2008, p. 652).U.S.A people love jewellery and they appreciate it when their jewellery is fashionable. They have different perception towards different stones. Mostly diamond stone is more popular in USA. The Market Describe the market(s) in which the product is to be sold Geographical region(s) Los Angeles is one of the renowned cities of United States of America. The city measures 71km longitudinally and 47km latitudinal. The perimeter of the city is 550km. (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) It is the only major city in the United Statesseparated by a mountain range. Los Angeles in the United States is a most renowned place for Gem Exhibition. The gem collection in Los Angeles is a very prominent place because it has history along several years. The Gem collection has a world-wide in range and boasts particular strengths in different types from California and other such states. (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) The collections are being actively improved principally through purchases with customer preferences. Forms of transportation and communication available in that region The Los Angeles in the United States operate a well form of transportation system for bus lines, as well as subway and light rail lines across Los Angeles City, with a combined daily ridership of 1.7 million. The majority of this (1.4 million) is taken up by the citys bus system, the second busiest city in the country. The subway and light rail combined average the remaining roughly 319,000 boarding per weekday. (Gem Fashion, 2010) Around 12% of Los Angeles commuters ride some form of public transportation, which places Los Angeles fourth among the 10 largest cities in the U.S. for the share of person along the ride using public means of transport. The citys subway system is the ninth busiest in the United States and its light rail system is the countrys third busiest. The city also has a commuter rail system Metro link in the central which links Los Angeles to all neighboring counties as well as many suburbs. Consumer buying habits Product-use patterns The passion with possessing gems is quite universal. Gems haveamusedand attracted for thousands of years. This also has been the gifts and sums of kings and queens and other such rulers. Most vital gems are the most demanding gifts to give or receive. Gems represent as a symbol of devotion and are the powerful approach of saying evermore to a loved one. Due to the hardiness of gems, they can be passed from one generation to another. A gem collecting is quite interesting; unlike purchasing a stockpile or a bond, trading with gems are enjoyable investments to accumulate. (Where are Gemstones found?, 2009) Although gems do not endow with income in the classical pattern, they provide an intuitive incomeexceptional in the collector market. Gems are uncommon, they are limited and findings have become exceedingly rare. Most precious stones are very old and the finest gems are long gone. Most extensive colour gemstone is accomplished withprehistorichand tools, a process by which invention cannot be accelerated to meet demand. (Gem Fashion, 2010) The best way to buy gemstones is to collect when the marketplaces are slowdown and sell when the markets are hot. Gemstones may represent an ideal store-of-value if inflation accelerates.Gemstones are the most determined form of wealth known to man. Gems are extremely convenient; and simply could be obscured and stored. Gems are concealed, convenient, non-detectable asset, and they are tremendous valuable wealth.Gems are anonymous and private; it is easy to store the gems secretly in a bank vault or other such secure place. Product feature preferences Ruby Ruby is a legendary gem because it has a fiery red colour. In close proximity to its colour, it is a most attractive gem due to its solidity, sturdiness, lustre, and rarity. Most of the transparent rubies of large sizes are even rarer than diamonds. The transparent flawless ruby in terms of value is most expensive compared to the other Gems. . (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) Rubies should be Transparent in order to get an expensive value. Diamond Diamond is the mostvaluable Stone. It is well-known for its amazing lustre, hardness and beauty. It is the most valuable gems in the type of gemstone. The most fortunate shape diamond is one that is colourless with a sapphire shade or one, which sprays blue and scarlet rays with no black dots.Diamonds are the solid substance on terrain. (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) They are more brilliant than any other natural gem. Their sparkling fire, durability, and rarity make them the most prized of gems. Diamonds are the mostglistening of true gems. They have a brilliant lustre, and alsoshow signs of dazzling colour flashes known as fire. Blue Sapphire Blue is the foremost colour of the sapphire. Blue is also the favourite colour, for certain people, men and women alike. The colour, strongly relates to the sapphire as it is, with thoughts of compassion and accord, friendship and loyalty: feelings which belong to individuality that show their appeal in the long term. Thus the azure of the sapphire has become a colour which fits as stable and reliable. (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) That is one of the reasons that women prefer in many country wish for a sapphire ring on their engagement. The sapphire represents loyalty, but in the similar time it gives expression to peoples love and desire. Emerald Emeralds are excellent gemstones. In top quality, fine emeralds are still more precious than diamonds. These encompass the most beautiful, most intense and most beaming green that can probably be imagined as emerald green. The name emeralds come from Greek. Innumerable far-fetched stories have fledged up around this splendidgem. The green of the emerald is the colour of being and of the springtime, which comes round again and again. But it has also, for centuries, been the colour of beauty and of constant love. In olden days in Rome, green was the colour of Venus, the goddess of beauty and adore. And in the present day, this colour standstill a special site in many cultures and religions. Green, for example, is the divine colour of Islam. Many of the states of the Arab leagues have green in their streamer as a representation of the unity of their reliance. (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) However this colour has a high status in the Catholic Church too, where green is regarde d as the most natural and the most elemental of therelated colours. There are many more stones which are highly demandable in USA, among which the above are the most vital and well known stones. Shopping habits These are the products that could be purchase to suit your need at any cost. The result array covers every price points, from low to high end. The designs are available at customer preference. Often buyers rely on the expertise of the sellers to pick out the latest patterns available in their stores. Buyers can purchase any expensive product when it comes for occasional seasons. Some buyers buy for their personal and private collections. Most of the Americans prefer expensive stones because they prefer Gems as an asset because investing is worthwhile because they last longer and keeping it would have a very huge demand if the stone is really valuable. (Solomon, 2008) The customers could ask for their own preferences if they do not want to buy the design that is available in the market for higher price. Distribution of the product Retail Outlets The distribution methods which we are going to carry on will consist of retail outlets as well as the use of agencies as the middlemen in the process. As mentioned before we are planning to open our company Palmna Gem and Jewellers in America, in Los Angeles and California which are the highly potential places to market Gem and Jewellery. Thus, well be having typical retail outlets in these two places. For now we are planning to operate one retail outlet in Los Angeles and one in California. (Where are Gemstones found?, 2009) The retail outlet in Los Angeles will be situated in down town which is actually the hub for all gemstones and jewellery outlets. Famous gemstones history lies in Los Angeles such as American Golden Topaz, Bismarck Sapphire Necklace, etc. (History of Famous Gemstones, 2000) Even though the competitors are nearby which might be a challenge for us to market our products, having outlets near them will automatically create the possibility of driving the target market to our outlets since they will anyway come to downtown of Los Angeles for the purchase of Gems and Jewellery. The spots marked in red in the map shows the competitors outlets in Downtown. The next outlet will be in California, which is the second major place which has a very high potential market for Gems and Jewellery. This outlet will be located in San Diego in California. This part of California is well known for tourists attraction. Not only a place filled with tourists but it is also a place where you can find most of the rich and the wealthy people living who is our potential target market. (Gemstones found in California, 1995-2009) Thus, the choice of this place is basically to attract the tourists who visit San Diego and also the rich business men in California. Middlemen involved in sales Since our company is having outlets only in Los Angeles and California, in order to distribute our products to potential customers in other regions of USA, we are planning to have agencies involved in it. The main reason of having these agencies would be to handle operations in other parts of USA. Gems and jewelleries are too risky to be outsourced to external agencies. Thus, we will be having our own internal agencies who will be working in different regions all over USA. They will be part of our employees and will be paid fixed fees on every transaction. Any additional payments will be on the basis of the number of sales they make. These agencies will be in regions such as, Tennessee, Arizona, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Arkansas and Nevada. (Current Gemstones in United States, 2005-2009) These are potential places which have gem markets and also gem mines. These agencies will not only be responsible for the distributions in the relevant regions but also will act as Competitor Intelligence (CI) through which our company will keep in track of the competitors acts. Advertising and Promotion Advertising Media In order to promote our gem and jewelleries successfully in the US market, we have planned of various promotional aspects which would enable us to reach the target markets successfully. On that basis, when it comes to advertising in media the following would be our marketing strategies. Pricing Strategy Customary Mark-ups We are in the aim of taking our gem and jewelleries world by storm in the future. We do not have the same level of price mark ups for all our products. But, we do give the guarantee that the stones and jewellery we are selling genuine stones sourced and obtained by our company under the laws and regulations of USA. The reason why we do not have fixed mark-ups for our products is that the gems are exported from Sri Lanka which are truly genuine and are priceless. According to the customer and the value of different stones we keep a mark-up. But normally as all other retailers, the mark-up would be 300% or more. (Internet Forums, 2009) Considering the above factors, we cannot exactly decide the prices of the gemstones yet the values of the stones can be revealed. Approximately the values of the gemstones would be as follows In the above table ND stands for the value not disclosed because it would reveal proprietary information of small number of producers, included in totals. Available Discounts The discounts would vary from stone to stone and from purchase to purchase. Especially bulk purchases by consumers provide them with higher discounts than usual. Yet, the discounts would normally be a minimum of 5% to a maximum of 50% (The most widel traded Gemstones, 2009). Our company discounts will normally range as follows. Compare and contrast your product and the competitions products Direct Competitors When exporting gemstones to USA we are bound to meet many competitors in the market, therefore we need to make sure that the gems and jewelry are up to high standard and with great quality to survive in the industry. The main three direct competitors are, Tiffany co Macys jewelry Zales jewelry Tiffany co. Tiffany co. is known for great jewelry and for good quality for more than 150 years where the diamonds found at tiffanys stores are difficult to be found in other stores unless special orders for that type of quality is made. (Jewellers, 2009) They have many types of diamond jewelry starting form rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces and pendants, and also engagement jewelry etc. packaging is done in a variety of ways but tiffanys is mainly famous for the blue box and the white bow which also has a hidden meaning of quality jewelry. Tiffanys also provide a full life time warranty where as if the diamond is not up to standard or as promised in the certificate they accept the jewelry back and provides with a refund of the full purchase price or a replacement with a diamond that meets each of the characteristics warranted. When a stone is cut for brilliance it may also loose size, and as known for brilliance is our measure tiffanys diamonds are cut for beauty not for size. The price range will vary from $1,000.00 to $ 50,000.00 for all the diamond stud jewelry, (Jewellers, 2009)However when purchasing a tiffany diamond the customer gets a brand name which is easily identifiable, Therefore customers mainly pay for the name of the brand not just for the product. Tiffanys promotional strategies are through websites which includes all the details of whats new in store and the respective prices and the outlets available in each city. Brochures, leaflets and billboards and jewelry exhibitions are also part of their promotional campaign to make the customer s more knowledgeable about the fine quality diamonds and jewelry available in store. (Jewellers, 2009) Macys Jewelry Macys has gained its brand equity throughout the years and will be a major competitor to us in the market as they are similar and consist of many gemstones with jewelry, gemstones such as diamond, ruby, sapphire, semi precious gemstones, turquoise, diamonds, cubic zirconium etc. it is known for quality and supplies a variety of jewelry to its customers primarily rings, bracelets, watches, mens jewelry, fashion jewelry, necklaces and pendants etc. The jewelry boxes are packed in many ways with different colours to suit the taste of the customer and different shapes. The price range will vary from $500.00 to $10000.00 based on the customers preference and the gem and jewelry type. (Jewellers, 2009) Like any famous brand mostly the price will be determined according to the brand as mostly the customers will have to pay a higher amount for the brand name. Macys uses different types of advertising and promotional methods to create awareness of whats new in stores and to gain customer loyalty. The promotional strategies are mainly promotional campaigns, billboards, leaflets, brochures, and magazine articles as gem and jewelry is a high end product and too much of publicity will cheapen the image of the product. Promotional campaigns will consist of events such as jewelry exhibitions where it will be easy access for Macys to reach its customers. (Jewellers, 2009) Zales Jewelry As most of the Americans prefer diamonds when wanting to purchase a gemstone Zales jewelry can also be classified as a competitor to us in the gem and jewelry industry. They have been in the industry and had been trusted since 1924 by making fine quality high class diamond stud jewelry which is mainly watchs, bracelets, necklaces and pendants, rings and engagement jewelry etc. (Jewellers, 2009) The brand name is not so prestigious at Zales but they do deliver fine quality diamond jewelry to its loyal customers and furthermore customers have to pay only for the piece of jewelry and not for the brand name as for the other competitors. All the jewelry is packed and given to customers in unique jewelry boxes with different colours mostly to suit customer preference mostly in pink, blue and black at the Zales jewelry store. Distribution is done all around Los Angeles, California (Burbank Town center, Glendale Galleria, Citadel outlet, West Side Pavilion, Fox Side mall, Santa Anita Fashion Park etc.) so that it will be convenient for customers to go to the nearest store and purchase jewelry according to their choice. The prices of diamond stone stud jewelry will be approximately from the range of $400.00 to $8000.00 and more varying according to the jewelry piece. (Jewellers, 2009) Zales jewelers will also conduct exhibitions which are open for any person to come and purchase jewelry according to their preference and taste and the diamond cut quality they require. The promotions they will conduct will be the giving out of brochures, billboards, web site etc. Market Size Expected Industry Sales USA is one of the largest market for Gem and Jewellery with 4% of the global Gems and Jewellery market. The expected industry sales in the domestic market for the year 2010 would be over US$ 10 billion. Apart from this the export market is expected to have a sales level of US$ 17 billion in the year 2010 which is around14% of the USA exports. USA accounts for about 20% of the world consumption in Gem and Jewellery and also one of the largest countries in the world known for diamond cutting and polishing. (Current Gemstones in United States, 2005-2009) Expected Company Sales In such a large market our expected sales for the planning year would be US$ 2.3 billion covering both the retail and the exports sales. This would be only around 8% of the industry sales. We are not expecting high sales in the planning year itself since itll be of a great challenge to capture a place in such a huge market. Thus, through our jewellery retail outlets we are planning for a sale of US$ 0.8 billion and through gem stone exports a sale of US$ 1.5 billion. Government participation in the market place Procedure for Export of Gems All Gem Exports should be channelled through the Exports Division of the National Gem and Jewellery Authority. ) Colombo Gem Centre Ratnapura or Gem Export Centre, Air Cargo Village, Air Port- Katunayake. The prospective Exporter should obtain a Gem Dealers License to cover the value of the merchandise to be exported. Exporters who wish to export their Gems should bring their goods to the Export Division N.G.J. A., before 3.00 p.m. on all working days 12.00 noon on Saturdays with eight (08) Copies of Commercial Invoices, which are to be used as follows. Export Manager Original Sri Lanka Customs 2nd Copy NGJA Statistics Division 3rd Copy 4th Copy to be used to make relevant payments to NGJA. Statistics Division (Customs)- 5th Copy 6th to 8th Copies are released to the Exporter. They are used to obtain Insurance Cover, for Airmail/Air Freight purposes, G. S. P. Certificate, Carnet Certificate and a copy to be retained by the exporter. Invoice The items will be examined at the Examination table by N.G.J. A. Gemmologist / valour and Customs Gem Appraiser / Gemmologist in the presence of the Exporter or his / her authorized representative. The sealed parcel is kept back with the N.G. J. A. and four copies of the invoice will be handed over to the exporter duly acknowledged by Export Manager; for the receipt of the parcel. Then the exporter is required to obtain insurance coverage for the parcel and pay the Export Service fee on F. O. B. The Exporter should get the Airway Bill from the respective Air Line Office and get a confirmation of the date and Air line which Air freights the Gem Parcel to the destination. On the day of collecting the parcels, Exporter should come to the NGJA, and particulars of the parcel have to be entered in the Releasing Register before 10.00 a.m. Air Mail parcels are released on all working days. The N.G.J. A. will check all the documents pertaining to the Export and release the parcel to Customs through Exporter enabling them to release the parcel to the Air Line (for Air Freight Parcels). After Customs formalities, are completed parcel (Air Mail) will be kept by Customs till it is released to the Post Office at the NGJA., for which the Exporter must bear the cost of air mail and stamp fees. After having the above mentioned approvals exporter can send the gemstone to the exporter country. Part Two Marketing Plan Executive Summary With the clear idea about the company, the market and the products to be exported which are clearly and specifically mentioned in the Marketing Audit, the following will detail the information about the marketing and sales of our company in USA. This Marketing Plan would focus on the promotional aspects, distribution, price determination and also the estimated budget and the income statement for the year 2010. This analysis would give a very clear idea regarding the process and possibilities of having a successful business in USA. It also highlights the vital aspects and how we are planning to market our product in such a competitive market which is totally different from our country Sri Lanka in ways of Culture, Technology, Economy, Politics and many more. This analysis was carried out with the use of the primary data collected from our company and other companies in Sri Lanka who are similarly exporting to USA. The secondary data collection was done through the internet and the relevant books which gave us ample of information regarding the industry and the market in USA. Thus, we were able to complete the report successfully and were able to put forward a detailed Marketing Plan. Marketing Objectives Product adaptation or modification Core component The market for Gemstone is more or less based on demand and rarity. Most people pay more for variety of gems that are esteemed and that are hard to find. It is moreover easy to get attracted to a certain colour gemstone, and finding usually a synthetic or fake jewel that reflects just as the real thing. Real jewellery with the label natural or genuine would show a little bit about the origins and terminology of types of gems. (Import Inspection, 2007) There are certain categories of gems that are allied with certain rock types. A person should be familiar with rocks; so that it will be easier to value with different types of gems that are common or extremely rare. For example, quartz is somewhat easy and frequently easy to find in nature. Though, gems can only be found in specific and limited environments, thus it is far more costly and valued. Packaging component There is a special packaging for Gemstones in order to sell the product in the market. Higher quality packaging material is used to pack the gemstones. For every purchase of a Gem the customers would be provided with authentic leather jewelry boxes layered with the company logo as a personal keepsake. Additionally, a purchase will arrive enclosed in a special glossy black Box, hand tied with a silver satin ribbon for every purchase. There is a Gift for every purchase .The customers will be impressed with the class, quality and distinctive design. Support services component To support the customers is a great pleasure because it will make the customers know the types of precious gem stones among the vast collection. Gem stones are undoubtedly unique gifts from Mother Nature and it is immensely important to preserve the natural quality and substance of the stone while cutting and designing to make the jewellery. It is important to provide high quality gemstone while preserving the genuine colour, shape and texture of the gem to the customers. Most of the Americans prefer gem stones, especially the Blue Sapphires and Rubies because they are world renowned for their great colour and value. Thus, the customers should be given to select the best gem stones when visiting to the store. Internet Forums, 2009) Promotion Mix Advertising Since the largest category in our advertising budget is likely to be the media costs, it makes sense to have a sound plan to manage that investment. The tool we need is a good media plan which helps us with every aspect of advertising. Advertising media refers to various means of advertising vehicles such as billboards, magazines, newspapers, television, and internet by which promotional messages are communicated to the public. The below mentioned advertising objectives would explain the importance of this particular area. Objectives Raise awareness of the company product by 25% a month, within the clearly identified target market. To implement geographic coverage within the California and New York cities. Communicate about the most precious and rarest gems available and the value for money of obtaining those. Build confidence in the organization and achieve an average of 60% increase in the sales. To be informative and encourage further information search for our product. To create a reputation as the market leader in Gems and therefore increase brand recognition loyalty. Media Mix After understanding the various aspects of each media separately and the advantages and the limitations of each, we can conclude that no single media would be able to reach the target population individually. The advertisers need to prepare an extensive media mix in order to accomplish their objective of maximum reach and frequency. Thus our media mix for this particular campaign will be elaborated separately as follows. (Highlights, 2008) TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENT: We chose Television as our media vehicle of broadcasting for the advertisement to be aired out of which especially ABC FOX, since these were considered the most watched TV channels in California and New York. Since most of the people are unaware of the company, we suggest the ads are aired 3 days a week between the time period of 7.00 pm and 10.00 pm du Heart and Soul Gem and Jewellery Analysis Heart and Soul Gem and Jewellery Analysis Executive Summary Heart and Soul Gem and Jewellery is a well established company in Sri Lanka for the past 15 years. We have been catering to this market successfully and we have a proven track record of our achievement throughout past years. As mentioned above our products are Gem and Jewellery, and we market stones as well as designer jewellery to our target market. Our target market is the high end markets that always look for delicate and unique presence of styles in jewellery as well as in stones. We have been the market leader in Sri Lanka for the past five years and have been very successful in holding our position. In order to expand our business internationally we are now in the process of moving into different countries and exporting Gem and Jewellery. On this basis now we are in the progress of exporting Gem and Jewellery to the US market. Not only exporting but also we are planning to open up our retail outlets in the main suburbs which are well known for our types of products which would be California as well as Los Angeles. Thus, the following report will be analysing the US market as well as the feasibility of our products being exported there. The reports analyses various areas including the market analysis, product specifications, pricing, promotions, rules and implications and so on. Introduction Socio-cultural Analysis As early days as well as today market for Gems have a high demand all over the world. Mainly the biggest buyer for Gem stones are United States and European countries. People who are highly rich and moderate income earners coming from Royal Families, Celebrities from Hollywood to Bollywood wear these precious stones for their ultimate satisfaction needs. In USA most ladies wear these expensive stones such as Pearls, Rubies, and Sapphires for uniqueness and for the charming effect that built through these precious stones. Most men and women wear this stones to show there prestige as well as to enhance their public image and to show their wealthiest and the social class. As the social impact of having a Gemstone is remarkable experience and also mentioned as Good luck. A person who receives a wedding ring or the wedding necklace embedded with Diamond stones, on the wedding day she will be the luckiest lady in the whole world. Also another example a mother who receives a birthstone for her little one will be a memorable gift for all mothers of all ages. According to US culture women who are rich and fashionable, they normally dont miss to wear these accessories. Most of the elegant women who are capable of having several kinds of gemstones have the advantage of using variety of stones depending on the occasion. As an example diamonds gives a classy look and posh image for evening gatherings. And Rubies are very precious that gives a charming effect on women. Economic Analysis Gems Jewellery industry is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Mainly USA is the largest buyer for gems and jewellery. The trends and challenges can influence the gems and jewellery market is in USA. There was a less demand for platinum jewellery in last few years in USA. One of the pluses accruing for the falling U.S. Dollar is the consequent depreciation which results. In this way, the products made in US will become more attractive in the international market. In the same way our gem export will be facing the Dollar shortage. This challenge will have to be circumventing by other ways. Firstly, it is wise to open a Sri Lanka branch in US because it can serve several purposes. Its can supply wholesale or retail or do the advertising of our local product. Sri Lanka branch can be sensitive to the customs, restrictions or variation keep our country in form. Our Sri Lankan Branch in Los Angeles can do so much to outdo the glittering synthetics for the following reasons. Also a future purchases in US on gemstone will be at a higher price. It is true that the entire ruff for the gem stone come to US from outside US has only a few exceptions. The general trend is that foreign stone have a general rising price trend that is keeping pace with the growing, fashions demand of US. The Product Evaluate product as an innovation as it is perceived by the intended market Relative Advantage Most importantly, the consumer must consider the product should have benefits that are superior to other options (Solomon, 2008, p. 653).Sri Lanka is well known as the island of gems, because the brilliant range of gems found in its soil, namely cats eye, spinel, blue, white, star and fancy sapphires, garnet, topaz, moonstones, zircon, , and chrysoberyl. The stones are mining in larger scale in Ratnapura and Elahara areas. Gem cutting ensures maximum yield and the best quality as well as its brings the maximum beauty, rarity, durability, and value of the stones. Compatibility The innovation must be consistent with current needs, values, beliefs, and behaviours. (Solomon, 2008, p. 652).U.S.A people love jewellery and they appreciate it when their jewellery is fashionable. They have different perception towards different stones. Mostly diamond stone is more popular in USA. The Market Describe the market(s) in which the product is to be sold Geographical region(s) Los Angeles is one of the renowned cities of United States of America. The city measures 71km longitudinally and 47km latitudinal. The perimeter of the city is 550km. (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) It is the only major city in the United Statesseparated by a mountain range. Los Angeles in the United States is a most renowned place for Gem Exhibition. The gem collection in Los Angeles is a very prominent place because it has history along several years. The Gem collection has a world-wide in range and boasts particular strengths in different types from California and other such states. (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) The collections are being actively improved principally through purchases with customer preferences. Forms of transportation and communication available in that region The Los Angeles in the United States operate a well form of transportation system for bus lines, as well as subway and light rail lines across Los Angeles City, with a combined daily ridership of 1.7 million. The majority of this (1.4 million) is taken up by the citys bus system, the second busiest city in the country. The subway and light rail combined average the remaining roughly 319,000 boarding per weekday. (Gem Fashion, 2010) Around 12% of Los Angeles commuters ride some form of public transportation, which places Los Angeles fourth among the 10 largest cities in the U.S. for the share of person along the ride using public means of transport. The citys subway system is the ninth busiest in the United States and its light rail system is the countrys third busiest. The city also has a commuter rail system Metro link in the central which links Los Angeles to all neighboring counties as well as many suburbs. Consumer buying habits Product-use patterns The passion with possessing gems is quite universal. Gems haveamusedand attracted for thousands of years. This also has been the gifts and sums of kings and queens and other such rulers. Most vital gems are the most demanding gifts to give or receive. Gems represent as a symbol of devotion and are the powerful approach of saying evermore to a loved one. Due to the hardiness of gems, they can be passed from one generation to another. A gem collecting is quite interesting; unlike purchasing a stockpile or a bond, trading with gems are enjoyable investments to accumulate. (Where are Gemstones found?, 2009) Although gems do not endow with income in the classical pattern, they provide an intuitive incomeexceptional in the collector market. Gems are uncommon, they are limited and findings have become exceedingly rare. Most precious stones are very old and the finest gems are long gone. Most extensive colour gemstone is accomplished withprehistorichand tools, a process by which invention cannot be accelerated to meet demand. (Gem Fashion, 2010) The best way to buy gemstones is to collect when the marketplaces are slowdown and sell when the markets are hot. Gemstones may represent an ideal store-of-value if inflation accelerates.Gemstones are the most determined form of wealth known to man. Gems are extremely convenient; and simply could be obscured and stored. Gems are concealed, convenient, non-detectable asset, and they are tremendous valuable wealth.Gems are anonymous and private; it is easy to store the gems secretly in a bank vault or other such secure place. Product feature preferences Ruby Ruby is a legendary gem because it has a fiery red colour. In close proximity to its colour, it is a most attractive gem due to its solidity, sturdiness, lustre, and rarity. Most of the transparent rubies of large sizes are even rarer than diamonds. The transparent flawless ruby in terms of value is most expensive compared to the other Gems. . (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) Rubies should be Transparent in order to get an expensive value. Diamond Diamond is the mostvaluable Stone. It is well-known for its amazing lustre, hardness and beauty. It is the most valuable gems in the type of gemstone. The most fortunate shape diamond is one that is colourless with a sapphire shade or one, which sprays blue and scarlet rays with no black dots.Diamonds are the solid substance on terrain. (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) They are more brilliant than any other natural gem. Their sparkling fire, durability, and rarity make them the most prized of gems. Diamonds are the mostglistening of true gems. They have a brilliant lustre, and alsoshow signs of dazzling colour flashes known as fire. Blue Sapphire Blue is the foremost colour of the sapphire. Blue is also the favourite colour, for certain people, men and women alike. The colour, strongly relates to the sapphire as it is, with thoughts of compassion and accord, friendship and loyalty: feelings which belong to individuality that show their appeal in the long term. Thus the azure of the sapphire has become a colour which fits as stable and reliable. (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) That is one of the reasons that women prefer in many country wish for a sapphire ring on their engagement. The sapphire represents loyalty, but in the similar time it gives expression to peoples love and desire. Emerald Emeralds are excellent gemstones. In top quality, fine emeralds are still more precious than diamonds. These encompass the most beautiful, most intense and most beaming green that can probably be imagined as emerald green. The name emeralds come from Greek. Innumerable far-fetched stories have fledged up around this splendidgem. The green of the emerald is the colour of being and of the springtime, which comes round again and again. But it has also, for centuries, been the colour of beauty and of constant love. In olden days in Rome, green was the colour of Venus, the goddess of beauty and adore. And in the present day, this colour standstill a special site in many cultures and religions. Green, for example, is the divine colour of Islam. Many of the states of the Arab leagues have green in their streamer as a representation of the unity of their reliance. (The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom, 2010) However this colour has a high status in the Catholic Church too, where green is regarde d as the most natural and the most elemental of therelated colours. There are many more stones which are highly demandable in USA, among which the above are the most vital and well known stones. Shopping habits These are the products that could be purchase to suit your need at any cost. The result array covers every price points, from low to high end. The designs are available at customer preference. Often buyers rely on the expertise of the sellers to pick out the latest patterns available in their stores. Buyers can purchase any expensive product when it comes for occasional seasons. Some buyers buy for their personal and private collections. Most of the Americans prefer expensive stones because they prefer Gems as an asset because investing is worthwhile because they last longer and keeping it would have a very huge demand if the stone is really valuable. (Solomon, 2008) The customers could ask for their own preferences if they do not want to buy the design that is available in the market for higher price. Distribution of the product Retail Outlets The distribution methods which we are going to carry on will consist of retail outlets as well as the use of agencies as the middlemen in the process. As mentioned before we are planning to open our company Palmna Gem and Jewellers in America, in Los Angeles and California which are the highly potential places to market Gem and Jewellery. Thus, well be having typical retail outlets in these two places. For now we are planning to operate one retail outlet in Los Angeles and one in California. (Where are Gemstones found?, 2009) The retail outlet in Los Angeles will be situated in down town which is actually the hub for all gemstones and jewellery outlets. Famous gemstones history lies in Los Angeles such as American Golden Topaz, Bismarck Sapphire Necklace, etc. (History of Famous Gemstones, 2000) Even though the competitors are nearby which might be a challenge for us to market our products, having outlets near them will automatically create the possibility of driving the target market to our outlets since they will anyway come to downtown of Los Angeles for the purchase of Gems and Jewellery. The spots marked in red in the map shows the competitors outlets in Downtown. The next outlet will be in California, which is the second major place which has a very high potential market for Gems and Jewellery. This outlet will be located in San Diego in California. This part of California is well known for tourists attraction. Not only a place filled with tourists but it is also a place where you can find most of the rich and the wealthy people living who is our potential target market. (Gemstones found in California, 1995-2009) Thus, the choice of this place is basically to attract the tourists who visit San Diego and also the rich business men in California. Middlemen involved in sales Since our company is having outlets only in Los Angeles and California, in order to distribute our products to potential customers in other regions of USA, we are planning to have agencies involved in it. The main reason of having these agencies would be to handle operations in other parts of USA. Gems and jewelleries are too risky to be outsourced to external agencies. Thus, we will be having our own internal agencies who will be working in different regions all over USA. They will be part of our employees and will be paid fixed fees on every transaction. Any additional payments will be on the basis of the number of sales they make. These agencies will be in regions such as, Tennessee, Arizona, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Arkansas and Nevada. (Current Gemstones in United States, 2005-2009) These are potential places which have gem markets and also gem mines. These agencies will not only be responsible for the distributions in the relevant regions but also will act as Competitor Intelligence (CI) through which our company will keep in track of the competitors acts. Advertising and Promotion Advertising Media In order to promote our gem and jewelleries successfully in the US market, we have planned of various promotional aspects which would enable us to reach the target markets successfully. On that basis, when it comes to advertising in media the following would be our marketing strategies. Pricing Strategy Customary Mark-ups We are in the aim of taking our gem and jewelleries world by storm in the future. We do not have the same level of price mark ups for all our products. But, we do give the guarantee that the stones and jewellery we are selling genuine stones sourced and obtained by our company under the laws and regulations of USA. The reason why we do not have fixed mark-ups for our products is that the gems are exported from Sri Lanka which are truly genuine and are priceless. According to the customer and the value of different stones we keep a mark-up. But normally as all other retailers, the mark-up would be 300% or more. (Internet Forums, 2009) Considering the above factors, we cannot exactly decide the prices of the gemstones yet the values of the stones can be revealed. Approximately the values of the gemstones would be as follows In the above table ND stands for the value not disclosed because it would reveal proprietary information of small number of producers, included in totals. Available Discounts The discounts would vary from stone to stone and from purchase to purchase. Especially bulk purchases by consumers provide them with higher discounts than usual. Yet, the discounts would normally be a minimum of 5% to a maximum of 50% (The most widel traded Gemstones, 2009). Our company discounts will normally range as follows. Compare and contrast your product and the competitions products Direct Competitors When exporting gemstones to USA we are bound to meet many competitors in the market, therefore we need to make sure that the gems and jewelry are up to high standard and with great quality to survive in the industry. The main three direct competitors are, Tiffany co Macys jewelry Zales jewelry Tiffany co. Tiffany co. is known for great jewelry and for good quality for more than 150 years where the diamonds found at tiffanys stores are difficult to be found in other stores unless special orders for that type of quality is made. (Jewellers, 2009) They have many types of diamond jewelry starting form rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces and pendants, and also engagement jewelry etc. packaging is done in a variety of ways but tiffanys is mainly famous for the blue box and the white bow which also has a hidden meaning of quality jewelry. Tiffanys also provide a full life time warranty where as if the diamond is not up to standard or as promised in the certificate they accept the jewelry back and provides with a refund of the full purchase price or a replacement with a diamond that meets each of the characteristics warranted. When a stone is cut for brilliance it may also loose size, and as known for brilliance is our measure tiffanys diamonds are cut for beauty not for size. The price range will vary from $1,000.00 to $ 50,000.00 for all the diamond stud jewelry, (Jewellers, 2009)However when purchasing a tiffany diamond the customer gets a brand name which is easily identifiable, Therefore customers mainly pay for the name of the brand not just for the product. Tiffanys promotional strategies are through websites which includes all the details of whats new in store and the respective prices and the outlets available in each city. Brochures, leaflets and billboards and jewelry exhibitions are also part of their promotional campaign to make the customer s more knowledgeable about the fine quality diamonds and jewelry available in store. (Jewellers, 2009) Macys Jewelry Macys has gained its brand equity throughout the years and will be a major competitor to us in the market as they are similar and consist of many gemstones with jewelry, gemstones such as diamond, ruby, sapphire, semi precious gemstones, turquoise, diamonds, cubic zirconium etc. it is known for quality and supplies a variety of jewelry to its customers primarily rings, bracelets, watches, mens jewelry, fashion jewelry, necklaces and pendants etc. The jewelry boxes are packed in many ways with different colours to suit the taste of the customer and different shapes. The price range will vary from $500.00 to $10000.00 based on the customers preference and the gem and jewelry type. (Jewellers, 2009) Like any famous brand mostly the price will be determined according to the brand as mostly the customers will have to pay a higher amount for the brand name. Macys uses different types of advertising and promotional methods to create awareness of whats new in stores and to gain customer loyalty. The promotional strategies are mainly promotional campaigns, billboards, leaflets, brochures, and magazine articles as gem and jewelry is a high end product and too much of publicity will cheapen the image of the product. Promotional campaigns will consist of events such as jewelry exhibitions where it will be easy access for Macys to reach its customers. (Jewellers, 2009) Zales Jewelry As most of the Americans prefer diamonds when wanting to purchase a gemstone Zales jewelry can also be classified as a competitor to us in the gem and jewelry industry. They have been in the industry and had been trusted since 1924 by making fine quality high class diamond stud jewelry which is mainly watchs, bracelets, necklaces and pendants, rings and engagement jewelry etc. (Jewellers, 2009) The brand name is not so prestigious at Zales but they do deliver fine quality diamond jewelry to its loyal customers and furthermore customers have to pay only for the piece of jewelry and not for the brand name as for the other competitors. All the jewelry is packed and given to customers in unique jewelry boxes with different colours mostly to suit customer preference mostly in pink, blue and black at the Zales jewelry store. Distribution is done all around Los Angeles, California (Burbank Town center, Glendale Galleria, Citadel outlet, West Side Pavilion, Fox Side mall, Santa Anita Fashion Park etc.) so that it will be convenient for customers to go to the nearest store and purchase jewelry according to their choice. The prices of diamond stone stud jewelry will be approximately from the range of $400.00 to $8000.00 and more varying according to the jewelry piece. (Jewellers, 2009) Zales jewelers will also conduct exhibitions which are open for any person to come and purchase jewelry according to their preference and taste and the diamond cut quality they require. The promotions they will conduct will be the giving out of brochures, billboards, web site etc. Market Size Expected Industry Sales USA is one of the largest market for Gem and Jewellery with 4% of the global Gems and Jewellery market. The expected industry sales in the domestic market for the year 2010 would be over US$ 10 billion. Apart from this the export market is expected to have a sales level of US$ 17 billion in the year 2010 which is around14% of the USA exports. USA accounts for about 20% of the world consumption in Gem and Jewellery and also one of the largest countries in the world known for diamond cutting and polishing. (Current Gemstones in United States, 2005-2009) Expected Company Sales In such a large market our expected sales for the planning year would be US$ 2.3 billion covering both the retail and the exports sales. This would be only around 8% of the industry sales. We are not expecting high sales in the planning year itself since itll be of a great challenge to capture a place in such a huge market. Thus, through our jewellery retail outlets we are planning for a sale of US$ 0.8 billion and through gem stone exports a sale of US$ 1.5 billion. Government participation in the market place Procedure for Export of Gems All Gem Exports should be channelled through the Exports Division of the National Gem and Jewellery Authority. ) Colombo Gem Centre Ratnapura or Gem Export Centre, Air Cargo Village, Air Port- Katunayake. The prospective Exporter should obtain a Gem Dealers License to cover the value of the merchandise to be exported. Exporters who wish to export their Gems should bring their goods to the Export Division N.G.J. A., before 3.00 p.m. on all working days 12.00 noon on Saturdays with eight (08) Copies of Commercial Invoices, which are to be used as follows. Export Manager Original Sri Lanka Customs 2nd Copy NGJA Statistics Division 3rd Copy 4th Copy to be used to make relevant payments to NGJA. Statistics Division (Customs)- 5th Copy 6th to 8th Copies are released to the Exporter. They are used to obtain Insurance Cover, for Airmail/Air Freight purposes, G. S. P. Certificate, Carnet Certificate and a copy to be retained by the exporter. Invoice The items will be examined at the Examination table by N.G.J. A. Gemmologist / valour and Customs Gem Appraiser / Gemmologist in the presence of the Exporter or his / her authorized representative. The sealed parcel is kept back with the N.G. J. A. and four copies of the invoice will be handed over to the exporter duly acknowledged by Export Manager; for the receipt of the parcel. Then the exporter is required to obtain insurance coverage for the parcel and pay the Export Service fee on F. O. B. The Exporter should get the Airway Bill from the respective Air Line Office and get a confirmation of the date and Air line which Air freights the Gem Parcel to the destination. On the day of collecting the parcels, Exporter should come to the NGJA, and particulars of the parcel have to be entered in the Releasing Register before 10.00 a.m. Air Mail parcels are released on all working days. The N.G.J. A. will check all the documents pertaining to the Export and release the parcel to Customs through Exporter enabling them to release the parcel to the Air Line (for Air Freight Parcels). After Customs formalities, are completed parcel (Air Mail) will be kept by Customs till it is released to the Post Office at the NGJA., for which the Exporter must bear the cost of air mail and stamp fees. After having the above mentioned approvals exporter can send the gemstone to the exporter country. Part Two Marketing Plan Executive Summary With the clear idea about the company, the market and the products to be exported which are clearly and specifically mentioned in the Marketing Audit, the following will detail the information about the marketing and sales of our company in USA. This Marketing Plan would focus on the promotional aspects, distribution, price determination and also the estimated budget and the income statement for the year 2010. This analysis would give a very clear idea regarding the process and possibilities of having a successful business in USA. It also highlights the vital aspects and how we are planning to market our product in such a competitive market which is totally different from our country Sri Lanka in ways of Culture, Technology, Economy, Politics and many more. This analysis was carried out with the use of the primary data collected from our company and other companies in Sri Lanka who are similarly exporting to USA. The secondary data collection was done through the internet and the relevant books which gave us ample of information regarding the industry and the market in USA. Thus, we were able to complete the report successfully and were able to put forward a detailed Marketing Plan. Marketing Objectives Product adaptation or modification Core component The market for Gemstone is more or less based on demand and rarity. Most people pay more for variety of gems that are esteemed and that are hard to find. It is moreover easy to get attracted to a certain colour gemstone, and finding usually a synthetic or fake jewel that reflects just as the real thing. Real jewellery with the label natural or genuine would show a little bit about the origins and terminology of types of gems. (Import Inspection, 2007) There are certain categories of gems that are allied with certain rock types. A person should be familiar with rocks; so that it will be easier to value with different types of gems that are common or extremely rare. For example, quartz is somewhat easy and frequently easy to find in nature. Though, gems can only be found in specific and limited environments, thus it is far more costly and valued. Packaging component There is a special packaging for Gemstones in order to sell the product in the market. Higher quality packaging material is used to pack the gemstones. For every purchase of a Gem the customers would be provided with authentic leather jewelry boxes layered with the company logo as a personal keepsake. Additionally, a purchase will arrive enclosed in a special glossy black Box, hand tied with a silver satin ribbon for every purchase. There is a Gift for every purchase .The customers will be impressed with the class, quality and distinctive design. Support services component To support the customers is a great pleasure because it will make the customers know the types of precious gem stones among the vast collection. Gem stones are undoubtedly unique gifts from Mother Nature and it is immensely important to preserve the natural quality and substance of the stone while cutting and designing to make the jewellery. It is important to provide high quality gemstone while preserving the genuine colour, shape and texture of the gem to the customers. Most of the Americans prefer gem stones, especially the Blue Sapphires and Rubies because they are world renowned for their great colour and value. Thus, the customers should be given to select the best gem stones when visiting to the store. Internet Forums, 2009) Promotion Mix Advertising Since the largest category in our advertising budget is likely to be the media costs, it makes sense to have a sound plan to manage that investment. The tool we need is a good media plan which helps us with every aspect of advertising. Advertising media refers to various means of advertising vehicles such as billboards, magazines, newspapers, television, and internet by which promotional messages are communicated to the public. The below mentioned advertising objectives would explain the importance of this particular area. Objectives Raise awareness of the company product by 25% a month, within the clearly identified target market. To implement geographic coverage within the California and New York cities. Communicate about the most precious and rarest gems available and the value for money of obtaining those. Build confidence in the organization and achieve an average of 60% increase in the sales. To be informative and encourage further information search for our product. To create a reputation as the market leader in Gems and therefore increase brand recognition loyalty. Media Mix After understanding the various aspects of each media separately and the advantages and the limitations of each, we can conclude that no single media would be able to reach the target population individually. The advertisers need to prepare an extensive media mix in order to accomplish their objective of maximum reach and frequency. Thus our media mix for this particular campaign will be elaborated separately as follows. (Highlights, 2008) TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENT: We chose Television as our media vehicle of broadcasting for the advertisement to be aired out of which especially ABC FOX, since these were considered the most watched TV channels in California and New York. Since most of the people are unaware of the company, we suggest the ads are aired 3 days a week between the time period of 7.00 pm and 10.00 pm du